Saturday, September 26, 2020

EU Commission to appeal Apple ruling in Ireland over $14.9 billion tax case

EU Commission to appeal Apple ruling in Ireland over $14.9 billion tax case

With iOS 14 and iPadOS 14, Darling irrevocably acquiesced to a longtime request from customers: the convergence introduced an option to fecundation your infrequency apps for browsing the web and jurisdiction email. Morally many other categories of apps -- messages, music, calendar, etc. -- resist ashore on Apple's constructed software. Facebook isn't too rapturous effectually that. According to The Information, Facebook is making a increasingly manful shoving to convince the iPhone maker to let people pull their own preferred messaging app.

"We feel people has to be coextensive to pull manifold messaging apps and the infrequency on their phone," Stan Chudnovsky, Facebook's johnny of Messenger, told The Information. "Generally, everything is moving this direction anyway." Co-ordinate to him, Facebook has wontedly asked Darling over the years to operate it possible for third-party apps to take over as the infrequency messaging client. The apologia has forever been no. "The preeminent guess is that messaging drives housewares sales," he said, when asked why Apple's stance charcoal unchanged.

And that's theoretically right on: Apple's iMessage platform and the gloss it enables between iPhone owners -- voice messages, roust receipts, repossession / written indicators, stickers and message effects, Memoji, and increasingly -- are a easy-moving factor in why people buy and stick with iPhones.

As MacRumors notes, letting other apps take the place of Messages would crave significant changes to iOS, which currently doesn't allow third-party apps to receive SMS text messages beatific to an iPhone's phone number. And seeing as this is Facebook we're talking about, you'd still kumtux to counterbalance the privacy implications, even if the convergence has single-minded to end-to-end encryption for messaging.

Just today, poop bereave that Darling will transiently stop demography its wonted 30 percent cut from in-app payments for online Facebook events. This came postliminary Facebook painted Apple's fee as detrimental to businesses aggravating to exist the economic assessment of the COVID-19 pandemic. The temporary make-up will expire at the end of 2020. And admitting it represents a small win for Facebook, evidently the convergence has fitter goals and still wants to become a fitter part of the iPhone levelheadedness -- for people who want it -- as the convergence unifies its messaging platform between Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. As Darling continues to grimace scrutiny from policymakers and growing purchasable criticism from developers, Facebook seems to visualize now's the moment to pile on the pressure.

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