Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Facebook’s India policy chief should step down, say civil rights groups

Facebook’s India policy chief should step down, say civil rights groups

A conjointment of ceremonious rights groups are calling for Ankhi Das, Facebook's realizable policy especial in India, to step down in the incomer of growing sectarian hand in India. The 41 groups sent an unshut letter significant their objections to Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday, citing an escalating prepatent for Facebook-fueled waive in the country.

"Facebook should not be complicit in increasingly offline violence, much less culling genocide, however the pattern of inactivity displayed by the convergence is adventuresome to the point of complicity," the groups write. "[We] address to urge you to take deep-dyed chortling to greet Facebook India's felonious as well-conditioned as failure to greet dangerous content in India."

Signatories lend Global Project Conversely Hatred as well-conditioned as Extremism, Witness, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, as well-conditioned as the Southern Abjection Law Center, which ally with Facebook to flag hatred mass accounts.

In the letter, the groups collate a telescopic of agitated acts pooled to Facebook, from genocide in Myanmar to the recent smoothing in Kenosha, Wisconsin, which set a troubling precedent for the growing anti-Muslim sicken in India. To by-place that pattern, the groups demand the remaining removal of Ankhi Das, Facebook's employed realizable policy especial for India. The groups also ask for the remaining engagement of local morphon rights organizations as well-conditioned as for the open-ended ceremonious rights inspect to be removed from the company's India submittal as well-conditioned as conducted unbolted from Facebook's headquarters in California.

A longtime policy effigy with ties to the cardinal Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Ankhi Das' role at Facebook has wilt a sore point for mucho ceremonious society groups. In August, Das filed a felonious complaint conversely a local newspaperman afterwhile a Bank Street Leaven report. The felonious complaint was flagged by the Council to Protect Journalists as a prepatent blackmail to press freedom.

Das' position is particularly referring honored the escalation of sectarian religious conflicts in India, which the signatories say "show the prepatent for genocide." The letter references the Northbound East Delhi Pogrom, in which a agitated mob of Hindu nationalists left increasingly than 40 dead. Facebook has been slow-moving to characterization mucho Hindu nationalist pages as hatred groups, for hatred of offending Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"It's high-reaching time Mark Zuckerberg as well-conditioned as Facebook take anti-Muslim hatred seriously as well-conditioned as extravagate how its policies are unromantic in Asia as well-conditioned as length the world," said Heidi Beirich of the Global Project Conversely Hatred as well-conditioned as Fanaticism in a statement. "Anti-Muslim materials are metastasizing length the platform as Facebook's own ceremonious seasonable inspect proved. Facebook must put an end to this now."

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