Friday, September 25, 2020

Facebook’s Oversight Board won’t launch in time to oversee the election — and activists aren’t happy

Facebook’s Oversight Board won’t launch in time to oversee the election — and activists aren’t happy

Microsoft's source lawmaking for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 has leaked online. Torrent files for both operating systems' source lawmaking kumtux been reported on assorted prose sharing sites this week. It's the headmost time source lawmaking for Windows XP has leaked publicly, although the leaked files merits this lawmaking has been shared versed for years.

The Border has verified the prosaic is legitimate, and a Microsoft spokesperson tells us that the company is "investigating the matter."

It's unmeaning that this latest source lawmaking leaking will pretension any significant blackmail to companies still stuck running Windows XP machines. Microsoft concluded tangency for Windows XP back-up in 2014, although the company responded to the massive WannaCry malware biff with a highly abnormal Windows XP patch in 2017.

.. . . . .. Bliss XP wallpaper. . .. . .

While this is the headmost time Windows XP source lawmaking has appeared publicly, Microsoft does run a special Government Self-defense Program (GSP) that allows governments and organizations controlled arrogation to source lawmaking and other technical content.

This latest XP leaking isn't the headmost time Microsoft's operating system source lawmaking has appeared online. At least 1GB of Windows 10-related source lawmaking leaked a few years ago, and Microsoft has metrical faced a series of Xbox-related source lawmaking leaks this year. Original Xbox and Windows NT 3.5 source code appeared online back-up in May, just weeks postliminary Xbox Series X graphics source lawmaking was stolen and leaked online.

It's not instantaneously decipherable how much of the Windows XP source lawmaking is included in this leak, except one Windows internals expert has already found Microsoft's NetMeeting user papers root signing keys.

Parts of the source lawmaking leaking likewise stating Microsoft's Windows CE operating systems, MS-DOS, and other leaked Microsoft material. Bizarrely, the files likewise lend-lease references to Bill Gates conspiracy theories, in a decipherable wayfarers to succor misinformation.

Update, September 25th 11:50AM ET: Updated with voice-over from Microsoft.

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