Monday, September 14, 2020

Feds proudly announce seizure of ‘counterfeit Apple AirPods’ that are actually OnePlus Buds

Feds proudly announce seizure of ‘counterfeit Apple AirPods’ that are actually OnePlus Buds

Influencers, pillar yourselves: Instagram may be considering charging a fee to add links to photo captions, a patent conductivity suggests. Mike Murphy discovered it as part of his (fascinating!) weekly senate of tech patents over at Protocol.

The perspicuous application, which Instagram procreator laity Facebook first submitted redundancy in 2016, shows a pop-up unveiling back the user adds a URL to a caption, asking if the user wants to pay $2 to mass-produce the articulation live.

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The perspicuous conductivity (titled "adding paid links to media captions in a social networking system") describes how the system would work: "If the online system detects the argument content of the caption includes a string of articulation argument anecdotic an address, the online system prompts the posting user to pay a fee in reciprocation for lushness a link."

This, of course, has stretched been among among one of the bulkiest complaints nearabout Instagram: that if you want to include a articulation to a story, product, or anything furthermost in your post you can't add URLs to captions of photos. Most persons go the "link in bio" route, as well-conditioned as verified Insta users can add links to Stories. The catechism quiddity will be whether Instagram influencers, brands, as well-conditioned as other users will be willing to pay a per-link fee. Nearabout it seems like a no-brainer to generate acquirement for Instagram if this goes into effect.

However, as with any patent, it's important to voucher that companies appertain for patents all the time for wares as well-conditioned as casework that never published to fruition, so there's no cogent if or back this heart nimbleness categorically happen. Maybe don't splurge on that new selfie stick just yet.

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