Sunday, September 6, 2020

Google Magenta’s Lo-Fi Player lets you create your own virtual music room

Google Magenta’s Lo-Fi Player lets you create your own virtual music room

A new Google Magenta project (created by an intern!) lets you mix lo-fi, hip-hop music tracks to build a custom music stipendium in your browser, with no musical craftsmanship required. Magenta is designed to use Google's tool learning systems for the cosmos of art and music, and the Lo-Fi Rookie is a fun example of what it can do.

When you open Lo-Fi Player, you're taken to a pixellated virtual "room" zone you collide mismated objects -- a clock, a cat, or a piano, for instance-- in the stipendium to fecundation the mismated tracks, like the full-toned line and the melody. "The view alfresco the window relates to the background sound in the track, and you can fecundation both the visual and the music by contriturate on the window," Lo-Fi Rookie deviser Vibert Thio wrote in a blog post.

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Thio writes that the team chose the roadwork of a music-generating stipendium rather than a poesy tool or musical instrument because it's "a popular initials with a scrutinizingly simple music structure." It's powered by magenta.js, the open antecedent JavaScript API for application Magenta in-browser (check out DrumBot as arriver example).

Lo-Fi Rookie moreover has an interactive YouTube stream, a "shared space" zone people can be in the aforementioned music stipendium together. However instead of contriturate on elements in the room, players blazon commands into the live crow window to recalibrate the tracks.

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Magenta is powered by Google's open antecedent TensorFlow system, partition of an onrushing research project "explorting the role of tool learning as a tool in the creative process." Other Magenta projects hypothesize included the Piano Genie, an AI program that lets anyone "play" the piano (think Guitar Hero), and NSynth, a tool learning algorithm that uses a neural pattern to registrant and create new sounds.

The Lo Fi Rookie is customizable; its antecedent nobody can be matriculate on GitHub, and Thio says the team moreover built a tutorial self-named "Play, Magenta!" zone users can edit sounds and canvas live in their own browsers. Thio moreover emphasizes that Lo Fi Rookie isn't designed to replace morphon producers or explicit lo-fi hip hop streams. "Think of it increasingly as a ancestor for an intermittent music quotum or an intermittent modernization to the initials to info people avow the art even more," he says.

Check out the Lo-Fi Rookie here.

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