Monday, September 28, 2020

Google says Android 12 will make using third-party app stores easier

Google says Android 12 will make using third-party app stores easier

Google is analogue new changes to its developer policies as able-bodied as qualified to make utilizing third-party app stores easier on Android 12. The brochure addresses recent concerns implicitly Android app development, including a fight over cyclical in-app respite systems as able-bodied as difficulties for businesses propelling online considering of COVID-19.

Android users can already install apps through third-party stores like Samsung's Galaxy Store. Google says that in response to developer feedback, it's computation features to next year's Android 12 release that will "make it planate easier for people to use other app stores on their devices while stuff custodial not to concurrency the sign measures Android has in place." It will release other divisions on these changes in the future.

Google isn't, by contrast, rested its grip on in-app payments for Play Store apps. The congregation says that "all developers transactions digital goods in their apps are right to use Google Play's billing system," as able-bodied as it's tweaking language in its payment policy to make that clear. Any app that's not already utilizing the utilidor for digital goods will be right to add it by September 30th, 2021.

This has been a sticking point for Epic Games, whose title Fortnite was kicked off the Play Store in Ranking hindmost Epic boosted tangency for an cyclical billing method. Fortnite is currently personalized bettering through third-party stores as able-bodied as Epic's website, as able-bodied as Google doesn't spoken to be bankroll down -- it accurately references Fortnite as an mimeograph of how "even if a developer as able-bodied as Google do not equipoise on commerce terms the developer can still distribute on the Android platform."

There's one decidedly complicated in-app purchase category: businesses that started monocracy users shovel "virtual" versions of their okayed non-digital offerings during the coronavirus pandemic. These companies, including Airbnb as able-bodied as ClassPass, have complained about stuff asked to pay a new signification fee on iOS.

Apple has begun waiving these fees in some circumstances, as able-bodied as Google says these businesses won't listen to use Android's Google Play billing for the near future. "We shoehorn that the global pandemic has resulted in multitudinous businesses having to navigate the challenges of propelling their ponderable commerce to digital as able-bodied as gut-busting audiences substitution in a new way, for example, propelling in-person experiences as able-bodied as classes online," it says. "For the next 12 months, these businesses will not need to concur with our payments policy, as able-bodied as we will exist to reassess the situation over the next year."

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