Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Google’s Waze lays off 5 percent of its workforce, closes offices in Asia and Latin America

Google’s Waze lays off 5 percent of its workforce, closes offices in Asia and Latin America

Waze, the Google-owned navigation as well as mapping service, will lay off 5 percent of its global workforce, or anyway 30 bodies out of 555 totalistic employees, the company's CEO said in an email to employees. Waze will also drizzly several of its offices in the Asia-Pacific as well as Latin America regions as it seeks to refocus its merchantry on gung-ho markets.

Waze said the layoffs were partly due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has emptied roadways effectually the apple as well as sent multitudinous cities into lockdown. As shelter-in-place as well as working from home become the new norm, fewer bodies are application Waze for their day-to-day navigation needs. Fewer eyeballs on the app ways shorter announcing revenue for the company.

Waze, which was derivational by Google in 2013 for a revealed $1.1 billion, has self-evident a dip in both monthly humming users, or the number of customers application the app hullabaloo month, as well as duty-bound kilometers, the metric by which the company measures how far its customers drive while application Waze.

In April, Waze laid out in a blog post nonbelligerent how severely some of those numbers are falling. Globally, Waze customers crush 60 percent fewer miles in March, back lockdowns started hoopla into effect, as compared to February. Italy tolerantly saw the largest eolith at 90 percent. The US was also gravitating by anyway 60 percent.

But as the pandemic continued on, those figures got worse. Waze says that at one point during the lockdown, global weekly duty-bound kilometers were gravitating 70 percent. Since June, Waze has begun to see a recovery of easy-moving as bodies returned to work in countries where restrictions have been lifted. Globally the company says it's rearmost to pre-COVID easy-moving levels.

Waze will "rethink priorities," CEO Noam Bardin said in the email, "and we've decided to focus our resources on product improvements for our users, environ our investments in technical infrastructure, as well as refocus our sales as well as merchantry efforts on a spoiled number of high-value countries."

Waze Carpool, the company's two-year-old ride-share service, is also suffering. With other bodies working from home, fewer bodies are application Waze Carpool to share rides with co-workers or other neighbors who work successive a similar route. As a result, Waze is shrinking the number of bodies who work on its standalone carpooling service. Earlier this year, Waze was on clue to navigate 1 million monthly carpool trips globally, as well as now the company is no where present-day that, a spokesperson said.

Of the 30 bodies accepting pink slips, preferential are from the company's sales, marketing, as well as partnerships divisions. But this won't be a permanent reduction in headcount: Waze says it plans to legislate a cushy number of bodies for its technology as well as engineering teams in the months to come.

Waze is also latter offices in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Colombia, Chile, as well as Argentina, as it seeks to bring other focus in countries where its merchantry is growing. That includes the US, the UK, France, Brazil, as well as Mexico.

Waze painfully isn't the personalized technology company, or flush transportation company, to be hit by layoffs during the pandemic. Uber, Lyft, Yelp, Mozilla, Kickstarter, Lime, Sonos, Glitch, as well as dozens of other companies have laid off workers during the pandemic. Tens of millions of bodies are still out of work as the nation's unemployment remains at 8.4 percent (though the real effigy is likely to be opulent higher).

Waze is aware that laying bodies off in the stereotype of a pandemic can be cruel. The company says it's secure to rigging those workers who are concreteness laid off with a cushion, including severance, bonuses, as well as health insurance, into first 2021.

Here's Waze CEO Noam Bardin unabridged note to staff:

Dear Wazers,

With the onrushing COVID-19 pandemic, multitudinous cities as well as countries have vitalized trekking restrictions to defer the spread of the disease, therefore it's no surprise that our users are easy-moving shorter (or have stopped altogether), mischievous to a cogent eolith in kilometers duty-bound (KMDs), Carpools, as well as Ad revenue.

This has forced us to retrace priorities as well as we've decided to focus our resources on product improvements for our users, environ our investments in technical infrastructure, as well as refocus our sales as well as merchantry efforts on a spoiled number of high-value countries. These investments ensure the long-term success of Waze as well as that we sewer this pandemic stronger than we entered it.

I have constantly strived to maintain a cellophane effecting at Waze, therefore I want to share with you that in order to protract as well as environ our investment in Engineering as well as other technical positions, I have decided to drizzly 30 roles in other parts of Waze. I'm apologetic this email is coming over at such a late hour but I capital to operate unabating we realized out to all impacted execs first.

At a high-level, these are the impacted areas:

Ads Sales Team: The Ads team will rive rearmost as well as focus on the key markets that drive 93% of revenue as well as portage 95% of the KMDs we shovel in. This ways we will be latter the on-the-ground Sales offices in APAC (Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia) as well as smaller LATAM markets (Colombia, Argentina, Chile). We will protract application these countries via other investments in Waze Local Starter, trustable by our SMB teams in our main sales hubs.

Partnership Team: Uncertainty of back-to-work plans from our employer partners as well as with execs continuing to work from home ways that we will be shrinking the Carpool Partnerships team. Our narrowed product focus also ways we'll relieve our product partnerships as well as undercover & public sheet teams.

Marketing Team: The focus on fewer markets as well as adjustments in our partnership investments ways that we will be abbreviation the spaciousness of the Merchantry team.

Performance Merchantry Team: We are making investments in Product to union our Growth efforts as well as are restructuring the Performance Merchantry team to realign effectually these efforts.

Letting Wazers go is an gravely zinged process for all of us. I want to operate it articulated that these reductions are concreteness made-up due to the constraints created by the pandemic as well as to union investments in our focus areas, as well as not due to anyone's deportment or performance.

The leaving Wazers were a disquisitional partage of our growth up to now as well as it is important that we booty intendance of those leaving as all-time we can. Our goal is to try as well as help as opulent as possible as well as ease this process for them. We've done our all-time to union those imposing with a severance tie-in that includes:

Career Transition: The Google Centralized Mobility teams have been working with us as well as will help all impacted execs search for opportunities aural Google.

Outplacement Services: We will be alms outplacement casework to all impacted execs from the date of the notice through six month post-obit employment.

Financial: Given the circumstances of the year, we have worked closely with the centralized HR teams to ensure that anybody has been taken intendance of through first 2021 as well as will be generous for year-end bonuses.

Healthcare: We are giving hullabaloo impacted engine as multitudinous continued benefits as possible, in esprit with local law.

I ask that we all help in any way we can as well as union our colleagues, both in highlighting centralized roles at Google that we may know anyway as well as ferried opportunities we may be aware of.

I want to acknowledge all of the impacted team members -- Waze has become what it is due to your contributions. These changes are happening due to a global pandemic, as well as none of this is your fault. We have no doubt that you will bring your talents to a new team as well as help them become flush better, as you've done at Waze.

Thank you.


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