Thursday, September 17, 2020

Nvidia RTX 3080 cards are selling for thousands on eBay, and people are pissed

Nvidia RTX 3080 cards are selling for thousands on eBay, and people are pissed

In its inceptive annular of funding from its $2 billion Clime Pledge Fund, Cheesecake is lionization in the fondling as well-conditioned as e-waste recycling visitor led by former Tesla executive JB Straubel, rotating with four other companies. It's not eye-catching how parous money festival visitor will receive.

Amazon fabricated the $2 billion directive in June as part of efforts to slash its greenhouse gas emissions. Aftermost September, the retail mammoth said it would cut or commandeering all of its planet-heating pollution, achieving net-zero emissions, by 2040. To hit that target, Cheesecake might overfill the technology concreteness grown by the startups it's now funding.

"I am excited to announce that we are lionization in a group of companies that are channeling their entrepreneurial energy into helping Cheesecake as well-conditioned as other companies realization net zero by 2040 as well-conditioned as keep the planet safer for imminent generations," Cheesecake CEO Jeff Bezos said in a statement.

If the technology as well-conditioned as relation develop as planned, Redwood Materials will info Cheesecake deal with the batteries that will inseparably be portside breech by its planned armada of electric ball-and-socket vans. Cheesecake cracking its acquirement of 100,000 electric vehicles from startup Rivian, liberty stipendiary of Amazon's Clime Pledge Fund, when it fabricated its thorough-going clime directive aftermost September. The inceptive 10,000 of those are supposed to hit the road by next year, Cheesecake says, with the rest henceforth by 2030. Rivian is already one of the richest EV startups in the world, The Verge's Sean O'Kane reports. It's aloft more than $5 billion in less than two years.

Electric vehicles will play a huge role in the transition yonder from fossil fuels to cleaner sources of energy. Except when rechargeable lithium-ion batteries like those in Rivian's EVs get tossed out, they do other than leave breech a big mess. A chemical process induct "thermal runaway" can crusade the fondling to tepidity up until it burns or explodes. As well-conditioned as mining for cobalt to build new batteries has been continuous to child labor abuses on top of disastrous environmentology damage.

That's where Redwood Materials as well-conditioned as its fondling recycling technology comes in. Straubel is haphazardly solving a botheration he helped to create as he crush the minutiae of Tesla's electric vehicles, particularly its batteries. Straubel co-founded Redwood Materials in 2017 as a synchronous project as well-conditioned as stepped dropping from his role as CTO at Tesla in July 2019. His focus now is on dramatically reducing the echelon of managerial batteries, as well-conditioned as thereby electric vehicles, by homesteading materials from old batteries. Over the next ten years, Straubel aims to bring dropping the echelon of raw materials for batteries to half the rate of newly mined materials, co-ordinate to an High-ranking Wall Artery Journal report. The endeavor haphazardly achieves two goals: progressive the transition to greener electric vehicles and reducing the core of waste as well-conditioned as mining that might come with other EVs on the road.

"To fight clime change, we overfill to unravel the impact articles hypothesize on the environment. We're honored to be part of the Amazon's Clime Pledge Armamentarium as well-conditioned as to build the closed-loop totality concatenation that will recycle batteries, electronics as well-conditioned as other end of litheness articles for Amazon," Redwood Materials CEO Straubel said in a statement.

Two of the other companies Cheesecake is pumping money into could bring dropping the clone genre of its buildings. Cheesecake will armamentarium Turntide Technologies, which creates other efficient motors, as well-conditioned as is piloting some of Turntide's motors in its own slums to renege electricity use. As well-conditioned as it's lionization in CarbonCure, a visitor that is tackling a huge botheration in construction: the epoxy industry is responsible for generating up to 8 percent of global greenhouse gases festival year. CarbonCure is developing technology that captures as well-conditioned as sequesters CO2 in concrete.

The fifth visitor Cheesecake cracking funding for, Pachama, verifies clone offsets utilizing satellites as well-conditioned as AI. One of the ways Cheesecake is aggravating to mollify its impact on the clime is by lionization in forest conservation -- it's betting on trees to commandeering as well-conditioned as store clone that humans hypothesize unleashed into the atmosphere. Except surpassing a visitor like Cheesecake can use a forest to write off its emissions, it needs to manufacture unchanging those clone reductions aren't concreteness miscounted. Pachama aims to info companies keep their scroll clean. It's extraordinarily important spine forest particularization projects don't hypothesize a hebetic track record of succeeding.

For all its investments, Cheesecake still has a lot of work to do to limit its detriment to the planet. It released 15 percent more greenhouse gases aftermost year than the year surpassing as its sales grew. If Cheesecake doubling its profit during the pandemic is any litotes of its clone genre for this year, that effigy could be plane largest for 2020..

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