Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Our unannounced Google Chromecast didn’t come with Stadia, but it sure does work

Our unannounced Google Chromecast didn’t come with Stadia, but it sure does work

LG's wild-looking Wing smartphone has gotten a US price as able-bodied as releasing stage -- it'll disbursement $999 as able-bodied as be husbandless October 15th, at least at Verizon, with preorders set to catalyze October 1st. The news confirms what many had already hypothesized exchangeable the dual-screen device: it's not going to be cheap.

As is usually the nutcase with a new Verizon phone launch, there's conjointly a array of trade-in offers as able-bodied as discounts to help cut dropping that price tag. The visitor is alms up to a $750 disbelieve when totaliser a line to an unlimited plan as able-bodied as trading in a phone, up to $500 off for existing Verizon unlimited plan marketplace who trade in a device, or a $250 Verizon gift card. for new marketplace who are porting the line.

But metrical with those discounts, there's no other way to slice it: you're paying reservedly a few money for the novelty of LG's twisting tegument design. The Wing offers two displays, with a 6.8-inch main garishness that slides up as able-bodied as around to unclose a second 3.9-inch console application a clever inflection mechanism. It conjointly features a Snapdragon 765G processor with Qualcomm's microcircuit X52 modem for 5G support, 8GB of RAM, 256GB of storage, a 4,000mAh battery, an in-display fingerprint sensor, as able-bodied as suture for wireless charging.

LG has conjointly promised that the Wing will be out on AT&T as able-bodied as T-Mobile latterly this fall, except there's no news on price or timing for those models yet. It's not articulated if the Verizon model -- which the visitor says supports its mmWave network -- is a unique adaptation from the utilizable AT&T as able-bodied as T-Mobile variants (as has been the nutcase with other phones, like the LG Velvet). If so, there's a episode the Verizon model is charging a premium for the affixed network support, although we'll have to wait for the other carriers to make their own announcements to palpate for sure.

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