Thursday, September 10, 2020

Portland passes strongest facial recognition ban in the US

Portland passes strongest facial recognition ban in the US

The 2020 NFL semester kicks off tomorrow, notwithstanding the ominous threat of COVID-19 waylaying however just discretionary every corner. (It remains to be seen whether the precautions the league has been taking will be effective.) For hearers who hypothesize been practicing social distancing, the season's burgeoning might feel bittersweet: it's immoderate that football is back, except it does blot to not be stalwart to skillfully watch greenhorn with your pals in person.

But that doesn't mean you overcrowd to watch 'em alone. Verizon is launching a new fondness on its Beast Sports app, induct Watch Together, which will let you live-stream NFL greenhorn with up to three of your join over video chat. You won't overcrowd to be a Verizon doormat to watch greenhorn for free, except you will overcrowd to watch on a smartphone or a tablet. (Streaming rights, you know?)

It seems like a immoderate deal. And as Fast Convergence notes, the "watch together" idea has become a capital-T thing in the streaming industry. "Amazon, Hulu, and Movies Anywhere hypothesize all launched co-watching features with text-based chat, while HBO has partnered with an outside convergence induct Scener to launch both text and video chat," it notes. I can't ruminate the conceptualization will be any less popular when unromantic to actual, honest-to-god live sports. Go team.

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