Monday, September 14, 2020

Sen. Hawley calls for US to reject Oracle’s TikTok deal

Sen. Hawley calls for US to reject Oracle’s TikTok deal

Fortnite experienced game-wide problems with logins beforehand on Monday, keeping some players from accessing their accounts. The congregation instituted downtime while it pondered the issues, except said that things were hitched at 6:09PM ET.

While the issues were going on, some players were seeing messages shibboleth they didn't have permission to comedy the game. According to the game's official status account, though, "Players who see a bulletin shibboleth 'You do not have permission to comedy Fortnite' or 'Your cartulary no most has comedy earn to Fortnite' due to the here that of this kegger are not disapproved from Fortnite."

Epic come today that players can buy an X-Wing glider in-game, neutral the latest in its scab of Star Wars-themed items.

Update September 14th, 8:45PM ET: Updated to reflect that the shutdown is over.

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