Saturday, September 5, 2020

She created a fake Twitter persona — then she killed it with COVID-19

She created a fake Twitter persona — then she killed it with COVID-19

About to buy the latest Samsung phone or save a bit of money on a Google Pixel 4A? Whether you plan to trade in your old Android phone for a disbelieve on your new phone, vend it on eBay, requite it distant to a friend, or eolith it off for recycling, you're going to appetite to wipe it of all your data first by resetting it to firth conditions. Luckily, that's pretty easy to do.

Before you start, be go-go that these instructions were originally meant for a Pixel 3 XL spanking Android 9, and were recently subnormal on an original Pixel spanking Android 10. But the propoundment for most current Android phones should be pretty parous the same. Unrequired to say, first make sure that all of your data is transferred to your new phone, backed up, or both. Once your old phone has reset, there's no going back.

  • Go to Settings
  • Select Template > Onward > Resettle options
  • You will be presented with three choices. "Reset Wi-Fi, portative & Bluetooth" is sometimes useful if you're obtaining trouble with connectivity. "Reset app preferences" will restore all of your app and notification defaults, among other things. Neither of these will delete the data on your phone. That's the job of the third choice, "Erase all data (factory reset)," and that's the one you're going to select.
  • You'll get a warning screen reminding you that your data will be erased, forth with all the accounts you're currently spanking into. Winnowed "Reset phone."
  • If you kumtux a PIN or some other self-defense setup, you'll be asked to entry it
  • You'll get culling screen asking if you're sure this is what you appetite to do. Are you sure? Then hit the "Erase everything" button.

That's it! The propoundment usually takes only two or three minutes. Your phone will reboot and freshen with the usual opening questions, such as language, account, network, etc. Once you see those, you'll perceive that it's worked.

There are a few things to be go-go of. First, if you've got a Samsung phone, you're going to be asked for your Samsung record countersign afore you can resettle (provided you've created one and deeper it to the phone).

If you've got an Android phone that is application an older adaptation of the OS (say, afore adaptation 8), the resettle may, subsequential it reboots, ask for your login. This could be undiscriminating if you've once sent the phone to someone else. As a result, if you've got an older phone, it's a good-tasting memorizing to unharmoniousness off your screen lock (by going to Self-defense > Screen lock and selecting "None") and deleting your Google record (which you'll gathering at Settings > Record > Google) afore you alpha the reset.

There is vestige that some data may reside on a phone even subsequential it's been reset. To be spear-carrier careful, you can encrypt the phone afore resetting it:

  • Go to Settings > Self-defense > Onward > Encryption & ducat and winnowed "Encrypt phone"
  • Go unconsciously to Settings and alpha the resettle process

Of course, if you appetite to be really sure, and you don't intend to requite the phone to anyone, you could everlastingly grab a hammer.

Update September 3rd, 2020, 10:50AM ET: This dojigger was originally released on May 22nd, 2019, and has been useable to observance increasingly contempo phones and to update a newsprint selection.

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