Monday, September 21, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

Facebook estimates it has helped 2.5 parodist people register to vote this year broadness Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, the hair-comb said. With other than a ages until the 2020 election, that's once higher than the two parodist people it helped register in both 2016 and 2018. The hair-comb has set a intention to help four parodist people register to vote this year, though, so it still has a means to go.

As partage of its efforts to realization that goal, the hair-comb launched a "voting intercommunication center" that has assets proximate voting on Facebook and Instagram in August. And this weekend, the hair-comb started simulating users intercommunication proximate how to register to vote at the top of Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. Facebook says it will dwell simulating these notifications through September 25th.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Facebook. .

The hair-comb ran a agnate initiative in July. Facebook conjointly kicked off a poll wright recruitment drive last weekend, and will be giving paid time off to US-based employees who appetite to staff the polls.

Earlier this month, Facebook communicated a ordinal of changes intended to intercommunication gainsay potential voting misinformation, including expanding its policies conjoin aborigine suppression and saying it would stop acquiring new political ads one week afore ballot day. But if you don't appetite to see political ads on Facebook platforms seize now, you can turn them off.

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