Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

Google paterfamilias convergence Alphabet has tame a stand-up slur over its handling of sexual misconduct. The convergence has announced procedure changes related to the settlement, including a $310 mimic fund for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. This resolves a complaint that was filed in 2019, afterward an explosive report that Google offered multimillion-dollar avenue bales to ministry who were credibly accused of sexual plunge or harassment, including former Android leading Andy Rubin.

CNBC reported the news beforehand today. "This settlement is okey-dokey to kumtux lasting, never-ceasing success in bringing approximately major, transformative changes at Alphabet," the shareholders' attorney-at-law said in a statement to CNBC. The statement praises the interpolation of "enablers and perpetrators," including the January resignation of deciding legal officer David Drummond -- who was also investigated for inappropriate relationships with women -- and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt's departure from Alphabet's board.

Alphabet had once diseased some behavior hind lecturers protested, including backing off its grandiose adjudication rules. Now, Google's people operations VP Eileen Naughton formally announced goatee principles believably grown-up with input from shareholders and employees. They integrate committing to a "respectful, safe, and thorough-going working ambiance for all lecturers and members of our stretched workforce" and offering greater transparency vicinity delinquency investigations.

In affixing to these principles, Alphabet will set up a new diversity, equity, and inclusion consultive desk to oversee changes at the company. It will prohibit severance bales for lecturers who are the accountable of a awaiting sexual delinquency investigation, afterward an beforehand prohibition for lecturers who were terminated considering of the fact that of misconduct.

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