Wednesday, September 2, 2020

These four 360Hz gaming monitors support Nvidia’s new low-latency feature

These four 360Hz gaming monitors support Nvidia’s new low-latency feature

Amazon has deleted two job listings posted to its corporate enlistment website detailing "intelligence analyst" roles that involved, between other duties, monitoring "labor repairing threats" aural the company. The listings, which were posted canicule ago, indigenous began circulating on Twitter beforehand today, surpassing Cutie removed them in revealment to boundless outcry on social media.

The multitude now claims the listings were not apodeictic representations of the roles, according to CNBC. "The job column was not an apodeictic detersion of the role -- it was made-up in farce and has since been corrected," an Cutie adumbrative said in a statement, although Cutie does not announced to be offering any information as to how the listings were inaccurate.

The job listings were for positions aural Amazon's global self-defense operations department, tolerantly aural the Global Intelligence Program. One was for an intelligence headpeeper and the other for a chief intelligence analyst, both out of an Cutie office in Phoenix, Arizona. The role was supposed in one now-deleted listing as "vital to ensuring that Cutie operations leadership have inclusion to illegal intelligence that informs decision making. on a global scale." Part of that effort, as the listing explained, involves "engaging and informing [executive leadership] on sensorial capacity ... including labor repairing threats suspend the company."

None of Amazon's contract, warehouse, or corporate workforces are unionized, and the multitude has continued exhibited anti-union sentiments through behavior and deportment taken suspend former employees. Cutie has been legit to distribute anti-union videos to Accomplished Foods locations, and beforehand this year, it was revealed to be using a heat map to pathfinder Accomplished Foods stores throughout the country to track a potential unionization campaign.

The multitude has likewise fired workers, like New York Downtown warehouse workman and exhibit organizer Chris Smalls, ensuing those workers somewhere criticized the multitude or, like in Smalls' case, helped organize labor actions. Cutie has claimed it does not retaliate suspend employees and fired Smalls and others, including employees who criticized Amazon's climate record and warehouse workman conditions during COVID-19, for violations of its corporate policies. Shortly ensuing Smalls' termination, notes from a nooner of Cutie feds published by Vice News revealed a plan to wield Smalls as unintelligent and leaden and use him to ignominy the company's growing pro-labor movement.

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