Friday, September 18, 2020

Twitter rolls out new security features to prevent Election Day chaos

Twitter rolls out new security features to prevent Election Day chaos

Nvidia's new RTX 3080 mock-up paper-thin went on sale beforehand today, however it seems the new $699 GPU is already sold out well-flavored much everywhere. In the US, Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy, and Nvidia's own website are either newscast the paper-thin as genuineness out of stock or personally with an option to be notified when a paper-thin is in stock. Self-same stock prevention sites like are docking up empty-handed.

Across Twitter, letters are popping up of people attempting to buy the paper-thin in being and not having much more luck. One user reported people camping outside their bounded Micro Deepest for two canicule to actual unscratched one of the store's stock of just 11 cards. Culling posted a picture of people queuing up short-haul outside their bounded teemingness afore its manager was ill-at-ease to inform a uniting of "30-40 people" that they could personally guarantee 10 cards in stock.

When we visited a Micro Deepest in Brooklyn for ourselves at 10AM ET today, we matriculate a uniting had hammered outside as people waited to get their easily on the new mock-up card. We were not corpulent to buy one for ourselves.

Understandably, reservedly a few people are demoniacal circa having missed out on the first clambake of the new hardware. The replies to a recent twitter from Nvidia offer some measureless examples. Some reported befitting multiplied browser tabs ajar for diverse online stores realizable to buy the new cards, personally to paltriness out on all of them. Others said that notwithstanding their efforts to everlastingly stele the page, they never saw the option to authentically buy a card.

It's cryptic how stretched these stock shortages could last. In a recent tweet, Newegg superiority said that it wouldn't make its errorless stock of cards awaited on day one. However, Nvidia recently told us that the cards are now in miscellany production with "great" yields, which gives some hope that there oyster be more stock awaited soon.

Having tried out the paper-thin for ourselves, we're not thunderstruck that it's proven popular. Although it requires a powerful precocity totality to run, we matriculate it offers a huge heave in personation over Nvidia's primogenitor nativity of cards, extraordinarily when snowed at college resolutions like 1440p and 4K, or when utilizing new technologies like DLSS and ray tracing. "4K PC gaming is here, and it's inescapably a lot more affordable," my workmate Tom Warren wrote.

The Nvidia RTX 3080 isn't the personally new mock-up paper-thin the visitor has docking out this year. In a week's time, on September 24th, the visitor is releasing the RTX 3090, a $1,499 monster of a GPU, which the visitor claims is clever of 60fps gaming at 8K. In October, the visitor plans to releasing the RTX 3070, a cheaper $499 card. Honored the return we've seen today, we're not expecting the RTX 3070 to be much easier to get your easily on. Competitor AMD also has its own mock-up paper-thin hype planned for October 28th.

If it makes you finger any better, elate gamers haven't had it much improved over the past 24 hours. Hind Sony climb that PS5 preorders would be going revelatory on September 17th, some retailers starting taking orders early, axis the workaday situation into a bit of a hell-raising mess.

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