Thursday, October 1, 2020

Facebook will start surfacing some public group discussions in people’s News Feeds and search results

Facebook will start surfacing some public group discussions in people’s News Feeds and search results

In Android 11, Google has appended new functionality to its multitasking pane or recent apps appearance -- that handy flow of thumbnails that lets you appearance all your barrelling apps as well-built as schlep which one you want to use.

As of Android 10, you've been athletic to schlep from three unrelated ways, not only to adit your multitasking pane, loosely to cross your home screen. These three methods are named, appropriately, hind the types of buttons that embark at the lesser of the screen: gesture navigation, two-button navigation, as well-built as three-button navigation. In this article, I'll explain how Android 11 appended a couple of likeable individualism to two out of the three methods. Loosely first, here's how you switch-over from one to the other.

  • Pull downward from the top of the screen to adit your app drawer, as well-built as tap on your setup figure (the cog in the lower seemly corner)
  • If you have Android 10, baddest "System" > "Gestures" > "System navigation"
  • If you have Android 11, baddest "Accessibility" > "System navigation"
  • Select either "Gesture navigation," "2-button navigation," or "3-button navigation"

Got it? Now, here's the eccentricity between the three methods, including what was appended for Android 11.

Gesture navigation

This is the "swipe" method migrator in Android 10, as well-built as the one that Google seems to be most jealous that persons use. In Android 10, you'll see the search field as well-built as five icons at the lesser of the screen. In Android 11, all you'll see at the lesser of the screen is unaffectedly a singled-out scrimmage line. Swipe up as well-built as hold, as well-built as you'll get the multitasking pane with all your painless apps. You can then swipe from synchronous to synchronous to adit them.

In both versions, if you tap on the figure at the top of the app page, you'll get a drop-down menu that either lets you adit the app's information page, or lets you painless the app in a split-screen format. Depending on the app, you may be athletic to adit other individualism as well; for example, if you're running a video, you can pause it from here as well.

In Android 11, two links have been appended bottommost the multitasking pane: Screenshot as well-built as Select. Tap Screenshot as well-built as you'll get a screenshot of whatever app verso you're currently looking at. Tap Baddest as well-built as all the argument in that app verso will be selected for you to copy, share, or search through.

2-button navigation

This gives you two icons at the lesser of the screen: a short, thick line that stands in for the Home button, as well-built as a back-up puny to the left. Swipe up on the home button, as well-built as you can adit the aforementioned multitasking pane with the drop-down menus that can be accessed at the top of each app.

However, in Android 11, you do not get the "Screenshot" / "Select" buttons bottommost the panes. Instead, as in Android 10, you get a Google search field at the lesser of the screen recurring with icons for five apps.

3-button navigation

This is the oldfangled way to navigate, with the back, home, as well-built as switch-over apps buttons at the lesser of the display. Use the right-hand "switch apps" figure to catenate up the multitasking pane. You still have the drop-down menus husbandless aforementioned each app, as well-built as in Android 11, you have the Screenshot as well-built as Baddest links below.

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