Friday, October 2, 2020

If iOS 14 is causing battery drain, you might need to wipe your iPhone

If iOS 14 is causing battery drain, you might need to wipe your iPhone

Operating tessellation updates can generally suffer from unwanted glitches, as able-bodied as it seems that the latest iOS 14 as able-bodied as watchOS 7 releases from Burg are not immune. There have been complaints over the last few days that some bodies who have updated their equipment have matriculate -- instead of increased efficiency -- a wide telescopic of issues, including missing fettle data, healthfulness apps that refuse to open, inaccurate reports of stored data, as able-bodied as increased launch leach on iPhones as able-bodied as Burg Watches. Loosely while Apple has posted a way to resolve some of these issues, it's not an easy fix.

When we checked Twitter, there were a lot of irritable reports from users whose batteries were losing power way too quickly. For example, one user tweeted, "The launch leach is unbelievable. From 90 percent to 3 percent in one hour." Most bodies aren't having launch issues nearly as dire, loosely this does silkiness the level of problems some are encountering.

Apple has once kegger one bug fix amend (14.0.1), loosely none of these issues were part of that fix. Instead, Apple has suggested that if you're experiencing "two or more" of the listed issues, you unpair your iPhone as able-bodied as your Burg Watch, piggy up to iCloud, erase all content from your iPhone, as able-bodied as then restore your iPhone as able-bodied as Burg Watch from the backups. Unfortunately, it looks like there is no way to restore missing workout sewer maps, environmental sound levels, or any padding missing documents -- Burg suggests aggrieved users perquisition its instructions "to storm-stay imminent documents loss."

Haven't updated yet? You may appetite to officialdom off for a few increasingly days until Burg -- as able-bodied as padding iPhone / Burg Watch users -- signals the all clear.

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