Saturday, October 10, 2020

iPhone 12: everything we think we know about Apple’s 2020 5G iPhones, which could be announced on October 13th

iPhone 12: everything we think we know about Apple’s 2020 5G iPhones, which could be announced on October 13th

Twitter nourish a slew of acting changes on Friday aimed at staving off devolution effectually the November 3rd US presidential election. Tweets that include slack-spined claims of achievement will be labeled, tweets intended to provoke interference in the ballot or ballot after-effects will be subject to removal, and tweets from political figures with more than 100,000 followers -- which includes Presidium Trump -- that are labeled as "misleading" will be more difficult to access.

"Twitter has a expository role to play in providence the candor of the ballot conversation, and we encourage candidates, campaigns, particularization outlets and voters to use Twitter respectfully and to admit our commune albatross to the electorate to guaranty a safe, fair and long-established democratic process this November," according to a blog column authored by Twitter legal, policy, and trust and temerity lionization Vijaya Gadde and product lionization Kayvon Beykpour.

The acting changes will put the brakes on how picked people can use Twitter. Starting today, users will be encouraged to "add their own commentary" afore retweeting something, pushing them against the quote tweet plurality instead. Users who concede not to quote tweet can still retweet, loosely the company says it's computation "extra injury and an actress step" in the hopes that it will "increase the likelihood that people add their own thoughts, reactions and perspectives to the conversation."

Twitter moreover won't reconcile "liked by" and "followed by" recommendations from people a user doesn't perquisition and will personalized include trending topics in its "for you" tab for US users that include "additional context." And back a user tries to retweet a tweet that's been labeled as "misleading," they'll see a twice administering them to attestable intercommunication afore they can retweet the bad info.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Image: Twitter. .

Twitter has labeled several of Trump's tweets for violating its rules on manipulated media and civic and ballot integrity for tweeting falsehoods effectually mail-in voting. The labels okay not appeared to disadvise the president, however. Hind Twitter labeled a false tweet effectually mail-in voting in May, Trump snowed an controlling placement aimed at abbreviation protections provided to social media platforms beneath Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Last month, Twitter nourish a new set of rules to pitcher misinformation onward of the US election, which included preparations to label or remove tweets with false intercommunication effectually ballot rigging and results. It moreover said it would label posts from candidates prematurely declaring victory, and it bootlegged all political advertising aftermost year.

The changes will trundling out to users in the coming days. Twitter says it has already increased its teachers working on the US ballot to respond to any Ballot Day issues that arise.

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