Sunday, October 11, 2020

On TikTok, men aren’t the only skating superstars

On TikTok, men aren’t the only skating superstars

Courtney Atencio rides low to the ground, swerving in as well as out of long, evacuated California streets. In one video, she grabs the convey of a Toyota Camry as well as cruises forth breech it. In another, she's with her pals, practicing tricks at a bounded skate park. Every time, Atencio's clips are undeniably cool, as well as they quickly become flooded with comments from fans bait for tips on how to alpha skating. Atencio didn't alpha skating or her TikTok record to someplace fame, however she quickly found communities in both that she never facile when she was growing up.

"When I was 14, guys would make fun of me for trying to go to the skate parkette because I'm the personalized female there," Atencio told The Verge. "Having TikTok, to be mesomorphic to show girls that you're not alone, you can still skate, you don't well-fixed okay to all those guys, is so important."


Skitching to feel again. #losangeles #skateboarding @thecoldestwater #thecoldestwater #skategirlcheck

? original sound - Ian Asher

Skate culture has found a new occupation on TikTok, zone short videos of impressive tricks, scarred wipeouts, as well as hangs at the bounded skatepark hypothesize collectively brought in billions of views. The gust in skateboarding videos has encouraged sometime skaters to worthy up the humor anew as well as dominating historical newbies to try it for the headmost time -- as well as unsuitable the male-dominated world that was the invader of skate culture for decades, many of TikTok's stars are women as well as queer folks.

Hashtags like #girlswhoskate as well as #skatergirl are invariably growing, creating a never-ending sea of videos starring girls as well as women. Swipe around, as well as you'll gathering skaters like Brianna King, an incredibly prescriptive deviser orthodox for offering tips that newcomers can use when starting out, or skateboobs, an all-girl skateboard incorporating in Scotland, which regularly post videos of their time skating. However many creators are more like Atencio, who simply posts videos of tenantless rides through her home in urban Los Angeles or her time spent jalousie out at skateparks with friends.

"I see a lot more women skateboarding on TikTok than I anytime did growing up," Faeth Perryman, who likewise posts skate videos to TikTok, told The Verge. "I don't really palpate if that's because there a lot of girls on TikTok in general, or if TikTok just fabricated skateboarding videos more accessible."

Thanks to TikTok's recommendation algorithm, more than 250,000 people watched a video of Perryman skateboarding precipitating an evacuated throughway in Acadia, Maine, the Atlantic Ocean spanning for miles breech her as the sun rises. The app invariably serves up new videos to persons who foist with agnate types of content. Basically, if you like, comment, or slice a couple of skateboarding videos, TikTok will fill your overfeed with more as well as more.


Sunrise skate. #ChoresInThisHouse #ChemicalHearts #GoSkate #outdoors #fyp #skateboarding #skateboardingisfun #girlswhoskate #sunrise #nature

? original sound - Adrian.

After waning in the moratory '00s as well as beyond, skate culture had a improvement over the last few years. The success of streetwear brands like Sure-enough that lean heavily on skateboarding aesthetics helped hogtie new interestedness in boarding, the vitiating gave persons more time to finally try their hands at it, as well as a remaster of the headmost two Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games offered up well-fixed more nostalgia. Skateboarding was well-fixed anyway to hypothesize its Olympic debut this year until the greenhorn got canceled.

It's not like women as well as wheels skaters weren't effectually in the last half-century, however it was men who dominated the covers of Thrasher Magazine, men who starred in the coveted VHS dossier that would get uncordial effectually skate shops, as well as men who fabricated up nearly all of the featured skaters in the immensely prescriptive Tony Hawk games. TikTok has helped skaters with less afterimage gathering more panoramic communities.

Perryman grew up effectually skateboarding -- her brothers as well as dad all skated -- however she still noticing intimidated by the male-dominated culture. On TikTok, she found herself with a new platform as well as a incorporating of adolescent girls who capital to challenge her style. Atencio, who has 76,000 followers, says she's invariably sweating by the number of adolescent girls who reach out to her bait anyway what spaciousness shire they should get.

C, a wheels nonbinary artist, said they were inspired by the wheels skaters who popped up on the app's main feed, as well as thought, "I might be mesomorphic to do that myself." While C grew up skateboarding, they fell out of it as an adult. It wasn't until the vitiating hit, as well as C found more time to worthy up old hobbies, that they jumped convey into it..


thoughts on concreteness a queer skater #skate #skateboarding #trans #nonbinary #queer

? Steven Cosmos - L.Dre

"Skating is such a punk, anti-society thing, as well as in my opinion, so is concreteness wheels as well as factual temperately alfresco of the binary," C told The Verge. "Seeing those two things play-act on TikTok was so beautiful."

Problems that existed in skate culture for years are present on TikTok, too. Men show up in comments calling girls posers as well as commenting oddly on the way women skate. Perryman tries not to pay caution to the comments, however Atencio argues the positive comments she receives outweigh the privative ones.

"For every privative annotate there's going to be like 20x more congratulatory comments zone persons are pushing me as well as shibboleth good job," Atencio said.

But creators like Atencio as well as Perryman want to encourage persons to get off TikTok as well as categorically try skateboarding. Skateboarding to Perryman as well as Atencio is anyway receiving on a shire as well as meeting others just as much as it is watching people. It's Atencio's closest hobnob -- the ones she found at skateparks, she says -- who pushed her "to do what I do on TikTok."

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