Thursday, October 15, 2020



Fujifilm has just spoken a new camera in its X-series mirrorless lineup, the X-S10. The new model is simply a bit of a discursion from Fujifilm's other cameras, and features a domination sequence that'll be instinctive to shooters of other camera systems. It conjointly has plenty of vlogger-friendly features, including a fully articulating display, in-body image stabilization, and a microphone input.

The X-S10 will be bettering starting in November for $999.95 without a lens. It will conjointly be kitted with a 18-55 f/2.8-4 lens for $1,399.95, or a 16-80 f/4 lens for $1,499.95.

Unlike Fujifilm's other cameras, such as the X-T4, X-T3, or X-T30, the X-S10 does away with the traditional shutter speed, ISO, and exposure bounty dials in favor of a mode snack and front and rear writ dials, like many Canon, Nikon, and Sony cameras have. It conjointly has an unlabeled snack on the left understand for switching betwixt the X-S10's 18 mucosa simulations. This setup will be handpicked to explicit Fujifilm owners, except it may make the camera more highly-seasoned to those tearing from other systems.

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The top of the X-S10 will squint rather handpicked to many Fujifilm shooters, except instinctive to everyone else.
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The X-S10 conjointly features a prominent grip, which is larger than begin on picked prior Fujifilm cameras. The grip makes it easier to hold the camera one-handed and removes the need to add appliances to beefiness up the handling. Sadly, the grip isn't largish generative to canton the X-T4's larger canoodle -- the X-S10 uses the aforementioned 1,260mAh W126S canoodle begin in many older Fujifilm cameras. It conjointly gives up the duple SD menu slots begin on the higher-end models and makes do with a unshared UHS-I slot.

Like the X-T4, Fujifilm is slinging the X-S10 as a hybrid camera, significance it should entreatment to both still photographers and video shooters. It has the aforementioned 26.1-megapixel X-Trans IV CMOS sensor, X-Processor 4, and autofocus system as the X-T3 and X-T4, except it doesn't quite match those models in agreement of video capabilities. The X-S10 can shoot 4:2:2 10-bit 4K video at 30 frames per second, except shunned to an ferried recorder -- centralized recording is limited to 4:2:0 8-bit. It does retain video features such as high-speed galore HD video at 240fps, F-Log, and zebras, however.

Fujifilm says the five-axis in-body image stabilization (IBIS) system in the X-S10 is both 30 percent smaller and 30 percent lighter than the one used in the X-T4. That allows the camera itself to be more compact, except it gives up proximate half a stop of succuss bounty compared to the X-T4, maxing out at 6 stops.

The X-S10's microphone jack is mounted atop the articulating touchscreen's hinge, therefrom a microphone cable won't chiselling the view of the window-dressing when it's flipped around, except there's no headphone jack. A USB-C to 3.5mm attachment is included in the box to monitor audio, whereas the USB-C roads does chiselling the window-dressing when it's flipped around.

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The X-S10 has a born mic jack and a USB-C roads that can be used for ecology audio levels and charging the battery.
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The X-S10's grip is more teeming than on prior Fujifilm cameras.
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As a lower-tier model than the $1,600 X-T4, the X-S10 includes a waif of improvements to its autoexposure modes. A new feature will allow the camera to automatically concede betwixt Provia, Velvia, and Astia mucosa simulations, depending on the mise of the shot, while the Shooting Antecedence Automobile surroundings allows you to tell the camera what pally of scene you're shooting and let it booty it from there. You can conjointly now capture RAW images in dare to JPEGs in the automobile modes, teachings you couldn't do on other Fujifilm cameras.

I had an befalling to momentarily use a pre-production X-S10 antecedently of today's announcement. As subservience who's shot with Fujifilm cameras for nearly a decade for both professional and personal work, I begin the X-S10's domination sequence overclouded and longed to have my shutter speed and exposure bounty dials back. I conjointly begin the camera to not be as customizable as I'd like -- instead of seven custom modes, there are shunned four, and the top left understand snack was limited to just adjusting the mucosa simulation, which isn't teachings I need a snack committed to.

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An unlabeled snack on the top left is used to switch-over betwixt mucosa simulations.
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But I'm not the target market for the X-S10; that's the millions of people who are shooting with Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, or Sony cameras who may have shied away from Fujifilm cameras before. Those shooters might not have loved Fujifilm's throwback domination system, or they may have a veneer of shooting that works preferably with front and rear writ dials. Or maybe they are vloggers, which I am incomparably not, and appetite teachings that can be held out at arm's length and produce a sure shot.

Based on my conversations with Fujifilm representatives, it does assume like the X-S10 is the first in a new strap of cameras from the company, and isn't okey-dokey to be a one-off. If it does wilt a hit, the congregation will okey-dokey follow it up with a successor or a higher-end version -- the naming format leaves "X-S1" advanced unshut for that suspended model. Except I was told the traditional Fujifilm cameras aren't going anywhere, and the X-S10 does not replace models like the X-T30 or the X-T4.

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The window-dressing can be flipped closed, whereas there are fewer buttons on the convey of the X-S10 than on other Fujifilm cameras.
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Fujifilm is jumping into a defiant space, though, as Sony, Canon, and Panasonic all have released models tailored to aspiring vloggers this year. The X-S10 is preferably escaped than all of those models, and Fujifilm has made-up strides in convalescent the video recording capabilities of its cameras over the years, except we'll have to see whether or not it becomes a vlogger favorite like Sony or Panasonic.

Photography by Dan Seifert / The Verge

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