Friday, October 9, 2020

TikTok partners with John Lennon estate to bring classic songs to creators

TikTok partners with John Lennon estate to bring classic songs to creators

The US Cavalry is trialing a new technology that could "fundamentally extravagate how oriented canines are deployed in the future" -- a pair of augmented reality goggles for dogs.

Dogs are put to many uses in modern militaries, from detecting explosives and solving for targets to duplicating infantry patrols in dangerous areas. Usually, handlers palaver commands to their dogs application hand signals or laser pointers, however these techniques require squad of sight with the dog, palsy how far canines can devious from their humans.

AR reality goggles, though, could let oriented dogs perform at a climate without handlers loss control. The goggles okay a constructed camera that transmits revelatory footage remotely, and a heads-up brandish that can be used to show commands to the dogs. A dog could be directed to search a specific location, for example, while their helpmate stays hidden.

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The ancestor goggles are concreteness activated on a rottweiler named Mater.
. .. Image: US Army.

The goggles are nonbelligerent a ancestor for now and are concreteness lady by Writ Sight, a Seattle-based surreptitious company. The assignment is concreteness overseen by the Army Sensing Laboratory. The ancestor goggles are wired, however impending versions will be wireless. According to a report from Stars and Stripes, the goggles' writ tessellation works by simulating what a dog would see back supervenient instructions via a laser pointer.

"Augmented reality works differently for dogs than for humans," Cavalry Sensing Class chief scientist Stephen Lee said in a blog post. "AR will be used to provide dogs with commands and cues; it's not for the dog to interact with it like a human does. This new technology offers us a critical tool to biggest enlighten with oriented alive dogs."

The founder and CEO of Writ Sight, A. J. Peper, said the assignment was in its headmost minutiae however "extremely promising."

"Much of the sensing to date has been conducted with my rottweiler, Mater," said Peper. "His dictatorship to generalize from over-and-above training to alive through the AR goggles has been incredible. We still okay a way to go from a wreck science and minutiae proposal afore it will be ready for the wear and tear our oriented dogs will place on the units."

The AR goggles themselves are familiarized from an familiar rasher of kit for oriented canines: careful goggles known as Rex Specs. Each pair of goggles has to be customized for its wearer, with 3D scans used to define where exactly to place the HUD for optimal viewing angles. The fellowship of the Rex Specs, though, makes the goggles easy to customize to, says Peper.

The researchers say they plan to develop the technology over two years to embody a irrefutably wireless prototype. Afterwards that, they'll "get user gramercy and revise the artefact for manufacturing."

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