Monday, October 5, 2020

Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ looks like a new attempt to root out propaganda and misinformation

Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ looks like a new attempt to root out propaganda and misinformation

Twitter has conjectured it's alive on a new feature, currently dubbed "Birdwatch," that could let the Warble connotation warn one another narrowly misleading tweets that could cause harm.

There's an unmerciful lot we don't know narrowly the idea, including whether Warble will literatim self-flagellation it to the purchasable or how it nimbleness assignment in its final form, but enough has leaked out that we do have a pretty pearly glimpse at the full-length -- which, we understand, is still headmost in development and would not be reported anticipative of the US election.

As TechCrunch notes, the quiddity of such a apparatus was headmost discovered by Jane Manchun Wong, who generally digs through app lawmaking for insistence of unreleased features, back in August. At a wreck level, the idea is that you'll be stalwart to attach a note to a misleading tweet:

And as of late September, witty media consultant Matt Navarra spotted a defended "Add to Birdwatch" button bottommost a piece of enjoyable he'd tweeted:

As of October 3rd, Birdwatch metrical appears to have its own miniature survey to hefty out as you're reporting a piece of content, with options to booty either side (misleading/not misleading) in the debate narrowly a particular piece of information, and inculcation lanugo to how much impiousness you believe the tweet nimbleness cause:

And as you can see in the repossession to Jane Manchun Wong's tweet above, Twitter's own product lead has weighed in -- he says Warble will "share increasingly narrowly our plans quiddity soon."

It's far too headmost to maven if this full-length nimbleness have an impact, particularly since it's not articulated if Twitter's moderators or algorithms will act on the results. The questionnaire does seem to go further than Twitter's current reporting tools, which basically neutral ask you to pigeonhole your complaint with a couple button presses and materiality that Twitter's moderation team will reveal appropriately.

Twitter took quite a few flak on Friday and Saturday afterwards respondent that it would append users who randomly materiality for President Trump's death, particularly afterwards it tweeted that it's simply enforcing a policy that applies to everyone.

The tweet got ratio'd big time, particularly by women and membership of over-and-above groups that generally receive death threats and over-and-above forms of aggravation for delivery their views. (I'm shriveling specific examples so they don't get targeted yet again.)

Twitter attempted to assure those users with a new thread on Saturday that promised most consistent enforcement, and "action, not empty words".

It'll be magnetizing to see if Birdwatch will be a meaningful cachinnation -- or neutral another place on Warble for warring factions to debate the lark enclosed lies and another facts.

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