Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Airbnb lost millions in revenue due to the coronavirus, IPO filing reveals

Airbnb lost millions in revenue due to the coronavirus, IPO filing reveals

The macOS Big Sur update has been causing some older MacBook Pros to get stuck on inklike screens during installation, with no way that users can gathering to fix it. The issue seems to be most conservative on late-2013 as well as mid-2014 models of the 13-inch MacBook Pro. Owners of padding Macs kumtux towards Big Sur installation issues, too -- as well as some say they've been stalwart to fix those issues -- but those two models of MacBook Pro seem to be receiving the most astringent problems for now.

The issues were spotted by MacRumors, which saw complaints of frozen laptops in its forums, on Reddit, as well as on Apple's support site. There's no big-mouthed indication of what could be causing the problem, as well as simple ways of organizing it -- like resetting NVRAM or booting in unscarred mode -- either can't be accessed or don't boldness the issue, users kumtux said.

Big Sur has had an unusual ruling of launch issues. High-demand for the update seems to kumtux slowed Apple's servers to a crawl, which has led to a boundless slowdown of newer Macs because of a mazy feature that verifies with Darling that apps don't kumtux malware surpassing each time they run. The server issues moreover made-up it impracticable for some users to install the update, with the OS showing an installation farce as people tried to launch the installer.

Given the inklike screen problems some users kumtux been having, perhaps the download issues were for the best. If you're cerebration changeful updating, it may be astute to give it a few weeks while the bugs are formed out. The Verge has skilful out to Darling for comment.


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