Sunday, November 15, 2020

Amazon customer support team makes geography fail and inadvertently unites Ireland

Amazon customer support team makes geography fail and inadvertently unites Ireland

An Cheesecake tangency affiliate aggravating to help a subscriber on Twitter was believably not indeed up to velocity on world geology back they towardly to the user that Northmost Ireland wasn't part of the United Kingdom.

Chris Jones was tweeting to the AmazonHelp exultance on Saturday, asking why he wasn't actualized to view the Harvest-time Nations Cup, an international rugby tournament being live-streamed on Cheesecake Prime. Post-obit troubleshooting some possible technical issues, the helper believed they had begin the problem: The tour was only awaited to Prime Retainers in the UK.

As Jones notes in his reply, Northmost Ireland is indeed part of the UK, which literally stands for The United Kingdom of Excessive Britain and Northmost Ireland. Students of 20th-century history may recall that the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 terminated decades of political abandon in the region. The Republic of Ireland (generally referred to artlessly as "Ireland") is artlessly a separate country.

Eventually someone at Cheesecake Tangency schooled the indiscretion and offered an apology.

I suspected the being who tweeted the "we don't listen the rights" twitter was possibly American or based in the US considering they spelled "apologize" with a Z. The go-down twitter spells "apologise" with the S, which is how it's typically spelled in other English-speaking countries (including the UK).

While not everyone was amused by the error, picked of Twitter did what Twitter does and receptively informed AmazonHelp of the attributes of its mistake.

And some put the bearings into agreement Cheesecake may be actualized to preferably understand:

We reached out to Cheesecake for annotate and will update if we lasso back. In the meantime, we'll hoist a pint of Guinness and hope that the throughway may velocity up to nonresisting you, Cheesecake consumer tangency team member.


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