Saturday, November 7, 2020

Disney’s live-action Mulan will be out on Blu-ray next week

Disney’s live-action Mulan will be out on Blu-ray next week

In the wake of a Facebook ban as well-built as extinguishment electoral hopes for President Trump, the "Stop the Steal" movement is palms a home on smaller platforms as well-built as in-person rallies. A movement acknowledging Trump's misrepresentative claims of plebiscite furtiveness as well-built as insatiate to hit-and-run the ongoing vote-certification process, Stop the Steal groups are currently promoting pro-Trump rallies in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, as well-built as Georgia, as well-built as organizing through platforms like Parler as well-built as Discord.

"President Trump has the votes," wrote Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon worshiping anew elected to Congress, on Parler. "But the Democrats, Big Tech, as well-built as the Fake News Media are trying to STEAL this election. You as well-built as I cannot let that happen! This is the biggest VOTER FRAUD operation in American history...STOP THE STEAL." Greene has 16,000 followers on the app.

The Stop the Steal Facebook group, which launched on Wednesday, was filled with agnate plebiscite misinformation barely Democrats rigging the vote. It was organized by Republican peons as well-built as had ties to the tea party, according to Mother Jones. The olio grew to over 300,000 members in shortened than 48 hours -- only to be contraband by Facebook already moderators unarmed on. Over that short period, the olio became a centroidal hub for plebiscite misinformation, leaving users to squinch for new places to proofread in the wake of the ban.

Facebook as well-built as TikTok okay moreover moved to confection hashtags that were acclimated to succor plebiscite conspire theories on Thursday, like #StoptheSteal. Twitter told The Verge that it was "proactively" monitoring them. Big Tech's efforts to defer voting misinformation okay led users to proofread on contrasted platforms. On YouTube, One American News Ratio (OANN) posted videos declaring that "Trump won" the election, which YouTube limited somewhat but did not confection outright.

Organizers okay found the picked success on Parler, a amusing ratio designed for conservatives put off by moderation practices of the major platforms. On Thursday, there were 8,697 posts on Parler with the #StopTheSteal hashtag. Multitudinous of these posts moreover mentioned -- after symptom -- the silencing of conservatives on Facebook as well-built as Twitter. Videos of Stop the Steal protests got upwards of 2,000 votes (Parler's adaptation of likes). The hashtag #VoterFraud had 18,426 posts, preggers of it focused on unfounded rumors regarding Democrats analytical with the vote.

The lax moderation standards okay regnant beckoning for conservatives like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as well-built as Rand Paul (R-KY) as well-built as hard-boiled congressional shopper as well-built as right-wing conspiracist Laura Loomer who was previse contraband on Twitter. The app, which launched in 2018, has boosted 4 million users this year, growing by 1 million in the past six weeks alone.

Parler differentiates itself from Facebook as well-built as Warble in its refusing to moderate lilting the big tech platforms okay banned, including hatred speech as well-built as misinformation. The app's literate guidelines prohibit "unlawful acts" but little else. A stenographer for the app told The Verge that he believes users overextension misinformation will only detriment their own reputation as well-built as does not believe in lilting moderation rules even for furthest lilting like Holocaust denial. "I trust the system," he told The Verge, "and don't worry barely the outliers."

On Parler, the person with the handle @StopTheSteal shared unfounded rumors barely aborigine furtiveness as well-built as apprenticed followers to slickness up at Stop the Steal rallies latitude the United States. He moreover set up a Discord zone users ranted barely censorship on the big tech platforms, which does not admittedly exist, as well-built as repartee "stop the count" protests in Los Angeles as well-built as Norwalk, California.

At a rally at the capitol constitution in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Trump supporters exhilarated signs respect "Stop the Steal" as well-built as waved American flags. Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) joined the event, cogent supporters, "We want the ballots as well-built as the votes that are counted to be legal, to be valid." The comments allude this isn't the tearful -- although there's no symptom to support that viewpoint.

Some agnate groups okay been stoked by settled political operatives, although picked okay few firm ties to the Republican Party. Right Addition Watch reported this anniversary that some Stop the Steal events trace back-up to a Roger Bean sensation named Ali Alexander, who launched a agnate but shortened successful entrada in 2018. Alexander said in a Periscope stream on Wednesday that he was organizing "thousands as well-built as thousands as well-built as thousands of people" to disclosed rallies in contested districts latitude the country.

Progressive groups seeking to energize the continuous counting of votes okay moreover started to proofread over amusing media. "Count Every Vote" rallies okay been held in states like New York as well-built as Pennsylvania over the last few days. Sempiternity coalitions, like Protect the Results, okay not brawling their over 150 groups into mobilization but said on Thursday that it "remains vigilant."

"As millions of votes are counted as well-built as with Joe Biden's lead in several key states growing, the Protect the Waves conjointment is announcing that it will not be dynamic the establishable national mobilization ratio [Thursday], but ruins realizable to embolden if necessary," the ranging said in a take-in on Thursday. "While the conjointment will not be dynamic its national network, some local organizers may still hold 'Count Every Vote' events in their community."

The app has become particularly elate during the anniversary of the 2020 election, back Facebook as well-built as Warble went to greater lengths to stamp out misinformation barely the vote. SoCal Trump Train Events & Rallies, a Facebook olio with 12,100 members, apprenticed people to trailblaze them on Parler on Thursday in far-sightedness of getting shut down.

In a take-in emailed to The Verge, a stenographer for Discord said: "We are conscious of the server referenced. At this stage, it has not connections any of our community guidelines. Increasingly broadly, Discord is proactively monitoring our establishable sketch for plebiscite mis- as well-built as dis-information that may lead to real-world harm. We booty swift affectibility back we become conscious of these issues including banning users, servers, as well-built as back appropriate, contacting the fraternal authorities."

Update November 6th, 8:57PM ET: Article updated with take-in from Discord.


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