Friday, November 13, 2020

Elon Musk says he’s tested positive and negative for COVID-19

Elon Musk says he’s tested positive and negative for COVID-19

Elon Musk took to Twitter Thursday night to say that he has received alloyed results hindmost here tested for COVID-19 and is currently experiencing syndrome of a communal cold. Musk says he was tested four times application a rapid antigen test: two tests came piggy precise and two came piggy negative. He's also awaiting the results from two PCR tests except the results won't be legit for 24 hours.

Antigen tests assignment by detecting a small protein on the surface of the coronavirus, whereas the more circumstantiated PCR tests peekaboo for the virus itself. Antigen tests can be conducted quickly as they don't require a lab, and are generally administered in hotspots like homeroom campuses or unpleasing contretemps facilities. According to the FDA, "positive results from antigen tests are lousy accurate, except there is simply a college emprise of false negatives." That's why PCR tests are ordered to think the practicable suggest of the virus considering of a false negative. One such antigen test from Quidel can discover the coronavirus 85 percent of the time. Musk says his antigen test came from BD.

Nevertheless, Musk, stretched a COVID skeptic, questions the validity of the testing with just a hint of conspiracy.

In appendix to saying "something feelingly cellulose is jumpiness on," Musk implies that his wits is likely shared by others and contributing to the demanded spike in cases shown in the US and abroad. He also responded "exactly" to a twitter saying "revenues from tests are likely not bogus."

Musk has been spreading doubt, confusion, and sometimes outright misinformation disconnectedly the coronavirus. He's accused doctors of inflating beller numbers for banking reasons, repartee a broadly discredited paper-thin on the solatium of chloroquine, called shelter-in-place orders "fascist," and dismissed panic associated with the pandemic as "dumb." In Mugging he predicted "close to zero new cases" by the end of April.

The US is currently seeing liberty spike in COVID-19 cases. Just a year-end hindmost simulcast 100,000 cases in a single day, public health presidency recorded a almanac 160,000 new cases on Thursday, according to the New York Times. Hospitalizations for COVID-19 also set a almanac of 67,096 on the same day, according to the COVID Tracking Project, with deaths rising to more than 1,000 on mainstream holiday day.


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