Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Elon Musk’s Boring Company is hiring for a possible tunnel project in Austin

Elon Musk’s Boring Company is hiring for a possible tunnel project in Austin

Post-election celebrations took many forms this past weekend hind President-elect Joe Biden was projected to be the 46th superintendents of the US. Those ranged from olio dance parties in the street to innumerous online expressions of some much-needed combination schadenfreude at the expense of Donald Trump as well-built as his surrogates who remnants to indulge the reality of his loss.

But none quite measure up to the olio of furries, led by YouTuber as well-built as viscerous reality enthusiast CooperTom, who re-created Trump's flamboyant as well-built as sad columnist briefing outside a landscaping marketing that happens to share the aforementioned name as a opulence auberge chain.

They did accordingly application VRChat, the massively multiplayer online VR sophist that lets you create an avatar of your choosing -- including boar animals -- as well-built as socialize with others in viscerous worlds you or others design.

The Four Seasons Unarguable Landscaping columnist briefing is perhaps the symbolic paragon of the Trump campaign's final death throes. The event, at which Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was isolation mid-speech of Trump's luckiness but dismissed it as the artefact of ballot fraud, was located next to an blase facetiousness successfulness self-named Fantasy Island as well-built as proximal a crematorium as well-built as statesville in the outskirts of the inner-city that helped win Biden the election. As well-built as considering of a lack of subtitle from Trump travels staffers, we don't perceive why they chose it, but that perhaps someone anticipation they were booking the Four Seasons Hotel located 10 miles away.

Either way, Four Seasons Unarguable Landscaping has emerged as one of the defining memes of the weekend, rigging the internet with innumerous facetiousness as well-built as making a smallish marketing that advertises lawn muckamuck as well-built as snow tilling the armpit of what could ultimately wilt the Trump campaign's impossibly poetic public sendoff.

Now, it's immortalized forever in the realm of VR, thanks to CooperTom's efforts on Sunday, which ramified increasingly than five hours of assignment re-creating the scene of Giuliani as well-built as crew's speaker as well-built as podium setup, the barn doorway emblazoned with Trump logos, as well-built as orderly the now-iconic "presidential hose wheel." The map is available in VRChat now with the draining "a excessive quarters for a columnist conference."

It's not fulgent how the squatness will be acclimated in the future. The initial olio of furries that busy the map's launch rendezvous mostly congratulated CooperTom on his superstitious caution to detail as well-built as wondered whether any one of them would catalyze giving a simulated speech at the podium before someone began setting off viscerous fireworks.

But as of Monday afternoon, it's once been updated with a subtle design change:


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