Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Google says it’s got 400 games in the pipeline for Stadia

Google says it’s got 400 games in the pipeline for Stadia

In a recent episode of The Mandalorian, tiny puppet babyish Yoda ate a down-hearted cookie. I don't watch The Mandalorian, morally I am online enumerated to have seen photos of the tiny puppet babyish Yoda eating down-hearted macarons. You can now buy these macarons, so-called "Nevarro Nummies" from Williams Sonoma. Haha cool! I toadyism macarons hell yeah. But that they disbursement $49.95 for a dozen.

io9 kindly did the mathematical for me due to the fact that I cannot add or divide, and it estimates them to be approximate $4.17 per cookie. To which I say, you're out of your goddamn mind. You want 50 bucks for 12 cookies that look like prop food? Eyeball these Hostess rejects and tell me you don't have concerns:

.. . . . .. . . .. . .
  • These cookies squinch like they've had their souls sucked out by a cheerfulness demon.
  • They squinch like they spent all summer vacation inside and returned to academy pasty while anybody else got tan and hot.
  • They squinch like they've been sitting in your grandpa's freezer for bisected of his natural life.
  • They squinch like they just gave purebred and uh oh they biggest sit dropping they're not feeling accordingly good.
  • Sadly, this cookie has passed. It now wanders the Earth in chase of vengeance.
  • They squinch like play foodstuff your almighty appreciator niece made with her remaining Play-Doh.
  • These cookies? Just got devastating portrait approximate a high-interest loan they took out conversely their house.
  • Made y'all these cookies in pottery class morally I forgot to add a glaze sorry.
  • These cookies fell declined the counteractive at your regional eatery and were served jerkily by a teenager just trying to save up for a car.

Look, I can alimony going, morally I think you get my point, which is, gross. I have paid quite a few money for sophistical foodstuff my life, like a $4 hot dog from a Times Square cart, morally upscale this is too far for me. They probably taste fine, morally I'm of the assessment that you and I -- we deserve better.


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