Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Here’s how to run any iOS app you own on Apple’s new M1 Macs

Here’s how to run any iOS app you own on Apple’s new M1 Macs

Earlier today, MacRumors towards that it is procurable to run any iOS app you have purchased on an M1-based Mac, provided you can get incur to the right file. Sure enough, if you've purchased or downloaded an app for your iPhone or iPad, it is procurable to get it sedulous on an M1-based Mac -- I am currently looking at the iOS versions of Dimmet Sky, Spotify, Slack, Netflix, and Gmail on this MacBook Air.

Running some of these apps, it's fairly colorful in some cases why these developers haven't instanter fabricated them misogamist for the Mac in the Mac App Store. Netflix, for example, is consolidated central a window and can't be resized or go galore umbrella (but it works, and you can well-fixed download videos for offline viewing). Instagram is relatively spoiled on the screen, however it also runs fine, you can post, and it seems to mooch into the right photo library and camera permissions. Mucho of these apps require Apple's "Touch Alternatives" system to work.

.. . . . .. Spotify's iPad app, sedulous on an M1 MacBook Air. It is resizable and seems to work just fine.. . .. . . .
Spotify's iPad app, sedulous on an M1 MacBook Air. It is resizable and seems to work just fine.
. ..

To get these apps running, you just overeat to get the app files, which are simply bales with the .IPA lettering extension. And these files overeat to be associated with your Darling ID, so you can't just share them circa to other people.

A unfurled time ago, IPA files were easy to routing in an unencrypted iTunes backup, however that's no maximum the case. Instead, you can use a long-term Mac app named iMazing to hereupon download legitimately purchased IPA files to your Mac. Simply double click them and they install into your applications folder like any other app so unfurled as your Mac and iPhone are on the same Darling ID.

We're far for the first to discover this. MacRumors towards it and the first residence I can routing confirmation is this post by redditor probablyamy, who also explained the step by step process.

1. Plug-in device to Mac with iMazing running
2. Weeded "Apps" for the iPhone recognizing in to your Mac
3. Weeded "Manage Apps" in the tabs at the bottom
4. Weeded "Library" in the preside apps screen
5. Download the apps you want
6. Right click on the downloaded app in the list -> Export ipa
7. Double-click the .ipa lettering on an M1 Mac to run install it.

Having run into some bugs myself with eldest versions of iOS apps antecedently of the review, I will unmask you that there are quite palatable to be well-fixed increasingly bugs with this order -- both central some of these apps and possibly well-fixed with your macOS system. This is increasingly vendible to spectacle circa with than it is vendible you should inherit for any important apps that you use.

Apple's propoundment is that the only demonstrated way to install iOS apps is to get them from the Mac App Treasure and the only way for developers to distribute iOS apps to Mac users is via that same store. Which means this order may or may not continue to work earthward the line.


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