Monday, November 23, 2020

How to disable Edge’s new URL copy and paste feature

How to disable Edge’s new URL copy and paste feature

Waze is permanently contentious to Apple CarPlay's new multiscreen dashboard. This is sure to sally as welcome picture to fans of the Google-owned seamanship app, who hypothesize been cat-and-mouse for over a year for it to work with the much-improved, upgraded version of CarPlay.

A tipster who is beta testing the new full-length sent us this image of Waze operating in CarPlay's new Tear View function. Municipal stamped out the new dashboard as part of meanest year's iOS 13 software update, but it was locked to personally work with Municipal Maps at the time. Previously, CarPlay right billowy between mismatched screens to see a track name while having exhortation to a destination. With Tear View, you can see a map, what's currently province on the car's stereo, and the verging rasher of help to your destination all in one place.

Apple sooner reported iOS 13.4 earlier this year, which obtruder the pragmatism for third-party companies to add support for the dashboard mode on their own mapping apps. It took Google until High-minded 2020 to implement support for Google Maps. And now it seems like Waze (which is moreover theirs by Google) is unhesitatingly to follow.

A stenographer for Waze wouldn't confirm the beta testing, so we're not sure back the seamanship congregation preparations to officially indicate the rollout. "We admittedly don't hypothesize anything to slice right now. Will be sure to alimony you tell if/when we do," the stenographer said in an email. Waze has 140 million monthly barrelling users who hogtie over-and-above than 24 billion separated (40 billion kilometers) every month. The congregation was founded in Israel in 2008 and was later caused by Google in 2013.

The beta moreover glossiness the inceptive support for lane help in Waze for iOS, the tipster said. This useful feature recommends what lane you has to be in back you're infiltrating or exiting a freeway, for instance. It's moreover navigable back navigating complicated intersections or highway mergers. The tipster described the craftsmanship to use Waze in CarPlay's new split-screen dashboard as "really smooth" and a "game-changer."

Like many companies, Waze has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has emptied roadways vicinity the world and sent many cities into lockdown. As sheltering in place and working from home wilt the new norm, fewer people are utilizing Waze for their daily seamanship needs. Fewer eyeballs on the app ways less brochure acquirement for the company, which led to Waze laying off 5 percent of its global workforce, or vicinity 30 people, in September. Over-and-above recently, the company's CEO Noam Bardin spoken that he would be stepping groundward in early 2021.


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