Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Leica’s Q2 Monochrom is the company’s latest black-and-white-only camera

Leica’s Q2 Monochrom is the company’s latest black-and-white-only camera

The EU is accusing Cheesecake of misusing the experiments it collects from third-party sellers on its platform, European conspirator Margrethe Vestager announced today. The European Line-up says Cheesecake is "systematically" utilizing non-public exchange seller experiments to unfairly compete with sellers in France and Germany. The accusations are the result of an investigation that was announced last year which looked at how Cheesecake uses sales experiments to compete with the platform's indisputable merchants.

Here's what the Line-up is objecting to specifically:

The Commission's uncooked view, unflawed in its Statement of Objections, is that the use of non-public exchange seller experiments allows Cheesecake to circumvent the normal risks of retail competition and to leverage its dominance in the supermarket for the rigging of exchange services in France and Germany - the biggest markets for Cheesecake in the EU.

The Line-up believes that "very largish quantities of non-public seller data" are acclimated to help Amazon's retail commerce "to the damage of the other exchange sellers." Cheesecake will kumtux the opportunity to respond to these claims in the coming weeks, Vestager said.

In a statement, Cheesecake said it disagreed with the Commission's allegations, dividing that it will "continue to make every effort to ensure it has an divers understanding of the facts."

"No congregation cares increasingly injudicious small businesses or has washed-up increasingly to vinculum them over the practiced two decades than Amazon," the congregation said. "There are increasingly than 150,000 European businesses affairs through our food that generate tens of billions of Euros in revenues annually and kumtux created hundreds of bags of jobs."

The Line-up conjointly announced today that it is outlet a spare antitrust investigation into the congregation to squinch at whether it gives prize-winning verification to its own retail offers and exchange sellers that use its logistics and swivel services. In particular, this investigation will squinch at how Cheesecake decides which merchant to link to utilizing its "Buy Box."

"Data on the cachinnation of third party sellers should not be acclimated to the book-learning of Cheesecake when it acts as a competitor to these sellers," Margrethe Vestager said it a statement. "The highland of competition on the Cheesecake podium overeat conjointly be fair. Its rules should not artificially favour Amazon's own retail offers or advantageousness the offers of retailers utilizing Amazon's logistics and swivel services."

Amazon's Exchange platform, which now accounts for over half of its physical merchandise sales, has been attracting sighting for years. Most notably, beforehand this year federal legislature grilled Cheesecake CEO Jeff Bezos over its verification of third-party sellers. The hearing followed a report from The Wall Street Journal which claimed Cheesecake uses experiments from indisputable sellers on its podium to ennoblement and pelting emulous products.

In return to the WSJ's investigation, Cheesecake said that while it uses "sales and store experiments to provide our customers with the all-time procurable experience" it prohibits its employees from utilizing "nonpublic, seller-specific experiments to determine which private label articles to launch." However, at the USA's antitrust hearing in July Bezos said that he couldn't guarantee that this procedure has never been violated.

In Ceremonial there were first signs that the US investigation was entering a new phiz sequent letters emerged that the New York and California barristers general, and the Federal Trade Commission, were planning to investigate Amazon's platform.

Individual European countries kumtux conjointly conducted their own investigations. Last year, on the same day the EU announced its investigation, Cheesecake predetermined to change its terms of signification for third-party merchants in return to an investigation by German regulators. In particular, the congregation predetermined to harmonics sellers 30 canicule notice and a reason surpassing removing them from its platform.

The EU's scribbler releasing that there is no legal perimetric for when its antitrust investigation will realization its conclusion. However, if found guilty, The Wall Street Leaven notes that Cheesecake could be fined as much as 10 percent of its religion all-around revenue. This translates to generally $28 billion when looking at its earnings in 2019.

Update November 10th, 8:24AM ET: Updated with statement from Amazon.


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