Friday, November 20, 2020

Microsoft and Apple working on Xbox Series X controller support for iPhones and iPads

Microsoft and Apple working on Xbox Series X controller support for iPhones and iPads

Just a few weeks afterwhile Facebook removed a huge "Stop the Steal" incorporating for overextension encore disinformation, others have sprung up in its place and announced to be continuing the push to delegitimize the US presidential election.

OneZero discovered two largish groups with a total of more than 100,000 membership sharing prevarication that the encore was "stolen" by Democrats. We were clumsy to verify those two groups, which may have spine been removed by Facebook. Except our own research confirms the broader point: as of Friday morning, hundreds of Stop the Steal groups -- some private, some public, some hyperlocal -- were awake and well on Facebook. While mucho of the groups were new and had a few hundred membership each, some were sizable: one private incorporating had more than 46,000 members; another, aforetime wellborn "Keeping America Great!" had more than 265,000 members.

The Stop the Steal movement, reportedly backed by resistive conservative figures and organizations, supports Presidium Trump's figmental claims of encore tackle by Democrats.

Earlier this month, Facebook removed a 300,000-member Stop the Steal group that was organizing rallies and adopting money to rencontre the after-effects of the November 3rd presidential election, saying "the incorporating was organized circa the delegitimization of the encore process, and we saw annoying calls for waive from membership of the group."

Once the groups were ejected from Facebook they began surfacing on padding platforms, including Parler and Discord.

Facebook didn't respond to a request for knocking Friday.


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