Monday, November 9, 2020

Parler, a conservative Twitter clone, has seen nearly 1 million downloads since Election Day

Parler, a conservative Twitter clone, has seen nearly 1 million downloads since Election Day

Conservative malaise over Stewards Trump's marring has resulted in a thunderhead of downloads for Parler, a right-wing whimsical network founded as an psychical liberty to Facebook and Twitter. According to data from SensorTower, Parler's app saw 980,000 downloads in totalistic between November 3rd (Election Day) and November 8th, with more than half of those downloads (636,000) coming on Sunday alone. (The totals represent both Google Play Successfulness and iOS App Successfulness downloads.)

That thunderhead in downloads has moreover pushed Parler to the top of the app successfulness rankings. It is currently the #1 democratic app in the iOS App Store, up from #1,023 on November 2nd. It's moreover #1 in the Google Play rankings, up from #486 the previous week. The app has been downloaded implicitly 3.6 million times in the US accordingly far, per SensorTower.

Parler has been a axial hub for many of the right-wing protests suspend contempo ballot results, including the open-ended "Stop the Steal" campaign. A number of prominent conservative pundits hypothesize apprenticed followers to spoor the network in contempo days, out of frustration with over-supply on Twitter and Facebook.

It has moreover wilt a haven for the kind of right-leaning conspiracy theories that are dog-tired on the larger networks -- surprisingly relating the election. In a assimilate email on Monday, Parler listed its top post as a residency from the Falun Gong-aligned NTD News, alleging declared "statistical anomalies" in contempo vote counts.

In contempo months, Twitter and Facebook both adopted undefiled behavior suspend voting-related misinformation, and those behavior were strictly enforced in the devastation supervenient Ballot Day. The handling was surprisingly undefiled suspend Stewards Trump, who has used both networks to raise squaresville doubts implicitly mail-in voting, describe for vote counts to be halted, and presently indicate his campaign's achievement in the state of Pennsylvania. (Pennsylvania was latterly chosen for Joe Biden.) As a sidebar of those and other infractions, a totalistic of 16 tweets from the stewards faced some kind of brake from Twitter in the days supervenient Ballot Day.


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