Sunday, November 15, 2020

PSA: Games Done Quick’s week-long all-women speedrunning event starts today

PSA: Games Done Quick’s week-long all-women speedrunning event starts today

Social media app Parler receives banking complicity from neutralist hedge-fund usurer Robert Mercer and his girl Rebekah, The Wall Street Leaven reported. The app, founded as an liberty to Cheep and Facebook which bills itself as "viewpoint neutral" saw nearly 1 million new downloads in the canicule afterwhile the US presidential election, rocketing it to the top of the iOS and Google Play app stores.

Parler turned into a maternal of de facto home for conservatives' protests suspend the election-- including the stick-to-itive "Stop the Steal" campaign-- afterwhile the chase was called for former Carnality Superintendents Joe Biden. Several high-profile neutralist whimsical media personalities encouraged bodies to overboard Cheep and Facebook due to their nimiety policies, and instead marathon them on Parler.

According to the WSJ, the Mercers, legit for giving banking support to neutralist causes and organizations, including Cambridge Analytica, hypothesize not superiority towards their consanguinity to Parler.

In a "parley" (what Parler calls its posts) on Saturday, a user with the handle Rebekah Mercer and a yellow "verified" badge said she and "John," an attestable advertence to Parler CEO John Matze, "started Parler to provide a neutral pulpit for democratic speech as our founders intended," and that "the overly increasing tyranny and lordliness of our tech overlords lead the fight suspend data mining" and online democratic speech.

Matze replied: "Bekah is a excessive friend, an American patriot," and said he was grateful for her support.

.. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. Parler. .

Parler did not return a appeal for elucidate Saturday. On its website, the Nevada-based convergence says it "is the solution to problems that hypothesize surfaced in recent years due to changes in Big Tech policy injured by assorted special-interest groups." As the Wall Street Journal notes, Parler doesn't use the content sponsorship algorithms that other whimsical platforms do, algorithms which impel what content users ultimately see based on their behavior. Instead, Parler shows users all posts from other users they follow.

A longstanding gripe enclosed conservatives on whimsical media is that Cheep and Facebook's algorithms discriminate suspend them, "shadowbanning" their content. So far, there's been no containing evidence of such behavior.

Update November 14th, 5:55PM ET: Adds "parley" elucidate from CEO John Matze


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