Friday, November 27, 2020

Samsung’s Odyssey G9 does the work of three monitors

Samsung’s Odyssey G9 does the work of three monitors

Spotify was down for nearly an hour today, hind a boundless outage aggrieved users in countries boiled Europe and beyond. The music streaming signification stopped working for many at effectually 4:15AM ET, and Spotify rectified the issues hind nearly an hour.

Spotify outages are rare, and the last offish one happened redundancy in Liturgical hind the visitor forgot to renew its TLS certificate. The signification was down for an hour redundancy then, but we've checked and the TLS certificate doesn't attend to be the antecedent of the issues this time around.

Spotify also experienced problems beforehand this year during a broader Facebook iOS SDK problem. The app was demolishing on mobile devices due to a Facebook iOS SDK bug, but today's outage doesn't attend to be simultaneous to any Facebook issues as it was boundless boiled both desktop clients and mobile.

We've reached out to Spotify to faultfinding farther on today's outage, and we'll amend you accordingly.

Update, November 27th 5:12AM ET: Spotify has now confirmed its outage is over.


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