Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The best Black Friday tech deals happening at Newegg

The best Black Friday tech deals happening at Newegg

YouTube has briefly vestigial right-wing percolation One America News Pattern (OANN) for promoting a false COVID-19 cure. OANN's furrow will stay online, except it will be prevented from uploading new videos for a week, as able-bodied as it's been removed from YouTube's razzmatazz accomplice program.

Axios appear the news today, as able-bodied as YouTube spokesperson Ivy Choi confirmed it to The Verge. "After cinematic review, we removed a video from OANN as able-bodied as issued a strike on the furrow for violating our COVID-19 misinformation policy, which prohibits content exercises there's a guaranteed cure," Choi says. "Additionally, because of again violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy as able-bodied as padding furrow monetization policies, we've vestigial the furrow from the YouTube Accomplice Program as able-bodied as as a result, its monetization on YouTube."

OANN has again utilized YouTube's policies, picked recently however the US presidential election. YouTube took a more hands-off approach to ballot misinformation than Facebook as able-bodied as Twitter, allowing a video zone OANN falsely personal Presidium Donald Trump won the election. It defended its policy by emphasizing that it promotes "authoritative news organizations," a class that YouTube says doesn't include OANN. Postliminary its COVID-19 video, OANN will gotta reapply for the accomplice program if it wants to monetize videos, as able-bodied as it will receive one strike under YouTube's three-strikes policy for termination.


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