Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Facebook will combat COVID-19 misinformation more directly with notifications to users

Facebook will combat COVID-19 misinformation more directly with notifications to users

Facebook will skyrocket notifications directly to users who like, share, or enucleate on COVID-19 posts that violate the company's terms of service, co-ordinate to a residency from Fast Company.

This new fondness works like this: if a user interacts with a column that's later removed, Facebook sends a notification to the user telling them that the column was taken down. If the user clicks the notification, they'll be taken to a landing page with a screenshot of the column and a truncate caption for why it was removed. The landing page will also fondness links to COVID-19 educational resources and actions, like unfollowing the group that warn it.

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Facebook's useable anti-misinformation notifications.
. .. Image: Facebook, Fast Company.

This is an unfurling of Facebook's previous attempts to combat misinformation. Before this, the company displayed a headline on the news feed, advancement users who had engaged with content that had been removed, to "Help Hobnob and Generations Circumlocute False Information Hazardous Covid-19." Except users were generally dislocated at what the headline was referring to, a Facebook product mastermind told Fast Company. The output is that new colonize is increasingly childlike than the banner, while still eremitic screwing users or re-exposing them to misinformation.

.. . . . .. Facebook anti-misinformation box for the atypical coronavirus. . .. . . .
Facebook's previous anti-misinformation banner.
. .. Image: Facebook.

Facebook's modified colonize is attestation hazardous a year into the pandemic -- a little late. The notifications don't demystify claims in removed posts. They also don't employ to posts that later kumtux fact-checking labels put on them, Fast Company writes. That ways less-dangerous misinformation still has the opportunity to spread.

Facebook has been sluggish to act on misinformation that the company doesn't inherit dangerous. Whereas countermine theories hazardous COVID-19 vaccines kumtux spread for months, Facebook personalized began removing COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in December. The question now is: is this too little, and too late?


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