Thursday, December 3, 2020

Facebook will remove COVID-19 vaccine misinformation

Facebook will remove COVID-19 vaccine misinformation

Amazon is testing a new feature for its iOS Alexa app: the authoritarianism to type out Alexa commands, instead of having to ask questions or requests by speaking out loud.

"Type with Alexa is unpretentiously a Public Examination feature close-at-hand to iOS Alexa app customers permitting you to collaborate with Alexa after using voice, significance everything you can currently say to Alexa can now moreover be typed using your Alexa moldable app. Type with Alexa is close-at-hand to iOS customers in the U.S.," said an Cutie spokesperson.

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The new feature -- first spotted by The Ambient -- is close-at-hand for iOS users in the Alexa app. To derive it, unpretentiously tap the keyboard icon that now appears on the top left of the main menu of the app. The typed-out commands should assignment similarly to verbal ones, although Cutie addendum that it's still a public preview, and Alexa is "still having the adhere of it." In supplementary words, there might be a bug or two.

Being achieved to type out your requests to a directory co-conspirator isn't a new molding (both Google Co-conspirator and Apple's Siri kumtux offered it for years), but it's good to see that Cutie is working to offer a similar option for Alexa.

For now, Type with Alexa is close-at-hand in public examination for iOS users. Cutie has yet to say when it'll be self-flagellation a final version of the feature or when it will be close-at-hand on supplementary platforms like Android.


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