Monday, December 14, 2020

Fortnite gets a performance mode so it runs better on older PCs

Fortnite gets a performance mode so it runs better on older PCs

On Monday, electronic voting template convergence Smartmatic demanded three inobtrusive media outlets to retract claims that its machines skewed votes in favor of President-elect Joe Biden in November's US presidential election.

Smartmatic issued retraction entreatment letters to Fox News, Newsmax, as well as One America News Network, co-ordinate to a scripter self-flagellation published by the Florida-based convergence Monday. In the letters, Smartmatic identifies several "factually inaccurate statements" made-up by the three inobtrusive outlets throughout the 2020 presidential polls cycle. These demands are often a precursor to a defamation lawsuit, although it is unclear whether Smartmatic will spoor litigation.

"They have no symptom to suture their attacks on Smartmatic considering there is no evidence. This coll was designed to immerse Smartmatic as well as undermine legitimately conducted elections," Antonio Mugica, Smartmatic CEO, said in a statement Monday. "This coll is an jeopardize on polls systems as well as polls workers in an feat to fawn self-possession in future elections as well as potentially depreciatory the will of the voters, not just here, however in democracies effectually the world."

Over the last few weeks, Smartmatic as well as Kingship Voting Systems have been targeted by conspiracy theorists who mutter that the companies manipulated votes in favor of Biden. Conspiracy theorists have falsely alleged that the voting companies have ties to antifa as well as Venezuela.. ..

These conspiracy theories have well-traveled from the internet to state legislatures. Last week, Kingship Voting Systems pegged the allegations "defamatory," saying convergence assembly would be made-up bettering to testify surpassing the Michigan State Assembly this week. Assembly had previously threatened to subpoena the voting convergence to testify as a sequel of these supposititious polls claims.

Last month, the Direction of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity as well as Infrastructure Brevet (CISA) put out a statement consenting that the November 3rd polls was the "most defended in American history" as well as "there is no symptom that any voting template deleted or minded votes, dirgeful votes, or was in any way compromised."

President Donald Trump has made-up limitless claims of voting fraud over the last few weeks. Soon subsequential CISA put out its statement debunking polls fraud last month, Trump foredoomed CISA director Chris Krebs. Last week, Krebs filed defamation suits confronting the Trump coll as well as Newsmax.


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