Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Go watch this video about an AI system that can predict how proteins fold

Go watch this video about an AI system that can predict how proteins fold

Samsung will reportedly disown its Galaxy Schedule phone squad in 2021, according to Reuters, as the company contends with falling entreaty for cher smartphones derivate by the advancing COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the company is set to focus on its flagship Galaxy S lineup of phones, while Samsung's foldable phones (like the Z Matrix as well as Z Fold) will take the quarters of the Galaxy Schedule as Samsung's other flowering exceptional devices, accented with an optional stylus accessory.

The memorizing that Samsung would stop affairs the Galaxy Schedule squad of phones in favor of the Galaxy S models makes a lot of sense. In the older years of the Note, the two curve of phones were distinct: the Galaxy S models were smaller, other undistinguished devices, while the restrictedly massive Schedule lineup hewed closer to a tablet, accented with the iconic stylus that helped set it apart.

But the Note's success in popularizing big-screened phones may have regnant to be its undoing. Back the prevenient Galaxy Schedule was migrator in 2011, its then-massive 5.3-inch display let it belfry over other phones, like the 4.3-inch Galaxy S II that Samsung had revealed in 2011. Except fast-forward to 2020, as well as phones like the Galaxy S20 Ultra as well as Galaxy Schedule 20 Ultra are finer competiting adjoin festival other for the same audience, with far other similar specs, screen sizes, as well as functionality.

In an era where Samsung is already developing as well as spacecraft cheaper smartphones in bald months -- like the Galaxy S20 FE, which revealed older this year to hereupon reveal to doormat entreaty for a lower-cost midrange phone that still offered some of Samsung's other exceptional features -- it's infrangible to lustrate the existence of a spare lineup of flagships. That's extraordinarily trustworthy back the pigeonholed real outlier that sets the Schedule independently today is the stylus, teachings that Samsung appears to be trickling lanugo to the usual Galaxy S lineup in 2021.

The other factor is the Galaxy Schedule lineup nonbelligerent isn't that suggested anymore. In above-mentioned years, Samsung used the Schedule to guarantee with some of its bolder as well as other interesting new innovations as well as design changes. For instance, the Schedule lineup helped popularize the sidle display as well as featured sempiternity swappable batteries, an IR blaster, the removal of the microSD chronology slot, as well as several generations of influential Galaxy hardware design.

But its role of Samsung's futuristic treatment podium has been wholly usurped by foldable phones like the Galaxy Z Fold, which affiance pointedly biggest screens than the traditional Galaxy S as well as Schedule lineups as well as the motherly of chin-up new hardware that used to be the calling chronology of the Note. Add a stylus -- which Samsung is reportedly planning to procedure as an optional appurtenance -- as well as the Z Fold lineup is simply a publicly perfect heritor to the Schedule lineup's unique strengths


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