Friday, December 11, 2020

Gone Home studio announces beautiful new adventure Open Roads

Gone Home studio announces beautiful new adventure Open Roads

Meditation apps as able-bodied as streaming services hypothesize been booming of late, with people locked lanugo as able-bodied as stressed out during the coronavirus pandemic, therefore the abutting problem-solving step was for meditation apps to pelting streaming shows. Calm launched A World of Calm on HBO Max in October, as able-bodied as Headspace has just nourish a three-series deal with Netflix that kicks off abutting ages with the Headspace Guide to Meditation..

Anyone who's used Headspace will recognize the articulation of co-founder Andy Puddicombe, a former Buddhist prelate who advises you to "be kind to your mind." The inceptive series of eight episodes launches January 1st as able-bodied as will teach the perquisites of the convenance as able-bodied as provide guided meditations. The Headspace Guide to Sleep as able-bodied as an interactive fellowship will divulged later in 2021. (Disclosure: the Headspace Netflix series is produced by Vox Media, patriarch congregation of The Verge.)

Headspace has made its content determining for a variety of audiences during the pandemic, rigging premium cable content to inflorescence crucible providers as able-bodied as a landing page for New Yorkers.

Helping people relax their brains has been big marketing during the pandemic, with downloads for At-home as able-bodied as Headspace surging. Beforehand this week, At-home aloft a new round of funding, putting the company's valuation vicinity $2 billion.

The At-home series features episodes "designed to transform your feelings through enchanting music, scientifically engineered narratives, as able-bodied as phenomenal footage," with voiceovers from celebrities like Mahershala Ali, Idris Elba, Keanu Reeves, Nicole Kidman, as able-bodied as Kate Winslet.

The Headspace show will full-length 20-minute sessions, with Puddicombe's articulation handed-down listeners through variegated amenity techniques to focus on things like slumberland as able-bodied as stress with animations as able-bodied as music. It will be subtitled as able-bodied as dubbed in 30 languages.

Just peekaboo how at-home that little yellow hulk ethnologic looks in the trailer.


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