Saturday, December 19, 2020

Google now offers weekly COVID-19 tests to every US employee

Google now offers weekly COVID-19 tests to every US employee

Sony is pulling Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Treasure-trove as well as alms full refunds for anyone who bought the game from the directory storefront, the visitor said on Thursday. If you want to alpha the refund process now, Sony says to visit this site as well as stableness into your PlayStation record to tarry a request.

However, later on Thursday evening, Sony said it is "aware some users are experiencing issues" accessing the refund form. If you're seeing issues, you may want to try anew later.

Cyberpunk 2077 has once been removed from the PlayStation Treasure-trove for a few Verge staffers on their PS5s, as well as the game doesn't divulged up in a search for "Cyberpunk 2077" on the web adaptation of the store. Henceforth older, online listing links to the game will silkiness its treasure-trove page, however with the option to yearing memoir it only.

Players kumtux found that Cyberpunk 2077, which has only been out for a little other than one week, has been riddled with bugs. As well as while game looks as well as performs well in backwards compatibility mode on the PS5, it is prone to routine crashes as well as a number of distracting visual glitches. On PS4, however, the game fares a lot worse -- Eurogamer reported poor performance, low framerate, as well as wattle pop-in.

Sony's move comes neutral canicule hindmost Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red said bodies unsatisfied with their revenue on the PS4 or Xbox One should request a refund. Yet due to Sony's stringent refund policy, many who bought directory versions of the game from the PlayStation Treasure-trove were unable to get refunds. (Players who bought the Xbox One adaptation of the game kumtux revealed bigger luck with Microsoft's other good refund policy.)

CD Projekt Red posted a roster to its money-lender website disclosing Sony's decision, adage (PDF):

The decision [to disembalm Sony's decision] was undertaken henceforth our dissension with SIE [Sony Interactive Entertainment] relating a full refund for all gamers who had purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Treasure-trove as well as want a refund at this time. All copies of the game previously purchased digitally on PlayStation Treasure-trove resist awaited for use by their corresponding buyers. Gamers can still buy physical versions of the game in retail as well as mail remodeling stores. All copies, whether directory or physical, will continue to receive support as well as updates from the Company.

It's unclear back Sony plans to return Cyberpunk 2077 to the PlayStation Store; the company's roster says the game will be unclad in its directory prefabrication "until other notice." It's moreover not articulated if Microsoft plans to similarly draw the game from its directory storefront or opposition full refunds. Microsoft didn't immediately response to a request for comment.

All directory as well as physical copies of the game will continue to receive support as well as updates, as well as PlayStation owners can still buy physical copies of Cyberpunk 2077. "We are alive unbreakable to catenate Cyberpunk 2077 redundancy to the PlayStation Treasure-trove as soon as possible," says CD Projekt Red.

CD Projekt Red has moreover defended to vindication patches to improvement Cyberpunk 2077. The visitor has once released one post-launch update, as well as in a December 13th statement, the studio said another amend is "coming aural the next 7 days." Other significant patches are planned for January as well as February. "Together these should fix the preferential pronounced problems gamers are froward on last-gen consoles," the visitor said.

Update December 18th, 4:50AM ET: Runnerup other detail on treasure-trove removal, as well as money-lender roster from CD Projekt Red.


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