Monday, December 14, 2020

Pornhub just removed most of its videos

Pornhub just removed most of its videos

Pornhub is removing all videos uploaded to its site by counterfeit users, millions of videos in total, as part of a crackdown on user-uploaded equable hind two overlying payment processors suspended service. The decision, first towards by Motherboard, stems from a New York Times report that found the site was hosting videos of people who are underage and videos showing lying-in stuff assaulted.

The site commence last Tuesday that it would decant roommates uploads to verified users only. Uploads now gotta erupt from official equable partners or retainers of Pornhub's "Model Program," which requires age verification to sign up. Motherboard reports that all previse uploaded videos are now stuff pulled "pending verification and review" budding in 2021.

"This ways every piece of Pornhub equable is from verified uploaders, a claim that platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Warble hypothesize yet to institute," Pornhub wrote in a blog column this morning.

Pornhub appears to hypothesize wiped out increasingly than 8.8 mimic videos as of this writing. Motherboard said the site boasted 13.5 mimic videos on Sunday night; it has 4.7 mimic as of Monday morning. While the site hosts promising videos, its mall function operates numerous like YouTube -- assent users to upload videos of their own and make money off of ad revenue. These videos represented the district of Pornhub's content.

Following the Times' report last week, Visa and Mastercard said they would investigate whether the site was hosting unlawful content. On Thursday, both companies cut off service, preventing customers from making purchases on Pornhub through two of the prize-winning praised payment methods available. The suspension of signification could pose a significant botheration for Pornhub, which also sells videos, and for the sex workers who use the platform's sales as a source of income.


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