Sunday, December 20, 2020

Queen Elizabeth will deliver her Christmas Day message via Alexa this year, if you ask

Queen Elizabeth will deliver her Christmas Day message via Alexa this year, if you ask

"We have it totally beneath control. It's one being contentious in from China. We have it beneath control. It's going to be procacious fine." -- President Donald Trump on COVID-19, January 22nd, 2020.

"The Coronavirus is actual much beneath inhabitance in the USA." -- Trump on COVID-19, February 24th.

"It's incredible. But it's teachings that we have unwonted inhabitance over." -- Trump on COVID-19, Maturate 15th.

Here's Trump today, on the massive SolarWinds drudge that targeted federal agencies as able-bodied as could have good-sized 425 of the companies on the Fortune 500: "I have been fully trendy as able-bodied as gathered is able-bodied beneath control."

You don't say.

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Here are a few perspectives on the SolarWinds drudge from entities that do not currently have abrogating credibility:

  • The US government's leading self-defense agencies: "The FBI, CISA, as able-bodied as ODNI have milled a Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG) to coordinate a whole-of-government response to this telling cyber incident"
  • CISA in particular: "CISA has hard-core that this blackmail poses a grave smash-up to the Federal Government as able-bodied as state, local, tribal, as able-bodied as territorial governments as able-bodied as demeaning strongroom entities as able-bodied as other private terrain organizations"
  • Trump's own Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "we can say pretty surpassingly that it was the Russians that plighted in this activity"
  • Former Trump DHS bomber Thomas Bossert: "The consequence of this open-ended compete is nonbreakable to overstate. The Russians have had tunnel to a considerable number of important as able-bodied as sensitive networks for six to nine months"
  • Former CISA headmaster Christopher Krebs, who was fired by Trump for calling out his lies approximate eulogizing fraud:
  • Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee: "The SolarWinds drudge is unaffectedly a diametric antagonization of U.S. networks as able-bodied as already repeated shows that the Presidium as able-bodied as the White Kennel are not demography this leitmotiv seriously enough."

Here's hoping the SolarWinds drudge turns out to be a big nothing! Certainly doesn't assume like it, though.


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