Friday, December 4, 2020

Raise your hand if ‘Cash App launches a clothing line’ was on your 2020 bingo card

Raise your hand if ‘Cash App launches a clothing line’ was on your 2020 bingo card

If you've ever used Liquidate App and vaticination "wow, I ambition I could put this on my body..." we may need to allocution proximate your relationship with apps. But likewise you're in luck! The payment service clamber in a cheep today that it's launching its own costume line, self-named (what else) Cash. Co-ordinate to its website, the costume lineation will perquisition the standard streetwear release paradigmatic of "limited reprinting drops".

If you perquisition this link from the tweet, you'll first be subjected to some diabolical 3D models -- you can click on them to make them flit -- vanward you conclusively get to the shop. Once there, you can scan the "fits" (as I've heard the kids calling them). If you need a new T-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, or pair of pants, and for some reasonableness don't mind being a walking transilience for a visitor that makes money back you swallow money, you can, of course, buy one utilizing your Liquidate Card. You'll planate get an heavier 25 percent off if you use its service instead of a eulogize card. And, if you're afraid proximate having frosted from the ice-cold look you'll soon be rocking, you can planate get a scarf.


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