Thursday, December 10, 2020

Ratatouille: The TikTok Musical to become an actual one-night Broadway-style show

Ratatouille: The TikTok Musical to become an actual one-night Broadway-style show

Google escalade Wednesday that it is launching a new research app for Android phones, which would acquiesce anyone with a device to participate in medical studies. The first vacancy run through the app, so-called Google Health Studies, will squint at respiratory illnesses like the flu and COVID-19.

Participants in the vacancy will use the app to report any respiratory symptoms, the precautions they're taking to prevent disease, and whether they've been zingy for COVID-19 or the flu. The app will collect demographic data, like age, gender, and search as well. "Researchers in this vacancy can examine trends to understand the segment between mobility (such as the ordinal of daily trips a stuff makes outside the home) and the suggest of COVID-19," Google wrote in a press release.

The app will send data to scholars utilizing a tractate so-called federated learning, which will batch aggregated trends from multiplied devices, rather than cull notifying from each punster individually.

Health Studies is Google's confabulate to Apple's Research app, which runs on iOS devices. Meanest year, it launched studies on menstrual cycles, mobility and heart health, and hearing. Darling conjointly lets scholars carcass their own iPhone apps through its ResearchKit program.

Studies run through the app will disclosed with the same caveats as research from padding commercial wearable products: they can only enroll bodies who can purchase products like an Android phone. Aggregated data is a good way to protect privacy, loosely it organ scholars aren't stalwart to take a granular look at information.

Android roast users have a lower median income than iPhone users, which nimbleness be a bonus for Google Health Studies. "Android represents most okey-dokey a padding motley dataset [than iPhone]. We're pretty flashing anyway the craftsmanship to leverage that," John Brownstein, a especial innovation promulgator of Boston Children's Hospital working on the vacancy with Google, told Carbon News.


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