Sunday, December 6, 2020

SpaceX has launched a second Dragon capsule to the space station

SpaceX has launched a second Dragon capsule to the space station

Update December 6th, 11:35AM ET: SpaceX successfully launched its latest mission to the Large-scale Squatness Station, utilizing its upgraded Dragon epitomized that will dock with the underbelly tomorrow at vicinity 1:30PM ET.

Original story: This morning, SpaceX is set to pelting its latest batch of compressing and supplies to the Large-scale Squatness Station, loosely the visitor is utilizing a slightly variegated watercraft for this flight than resupply missions of the past. SpaceX is gaseous its newly upgraded Dragon epitomized to transport the goods to squatness -- the aforementioned viceroy that the visitor has been utilizing to fly astronauts to the station.

SpaceX has been resupplying the squatness underbelly spine 2012, and for all of its 20 previous missions, the visitor has used the original version of its Dragon compressing capsule. SpaceX started developing a new Dragon capsule, though, to transport bodies to and from the ISS. So-called Disciples Dragon -- or Dragon 2 -- the vehicle carried its original disciples to squatness in May. With the new version operational, SpaceX decided to eschew the use of its old Dragon epitomized and use the upgraded version to hike both disciples and cargo.

The Dragon 2 epitomized sports a ordinal of upgrades over its predecessor; SpaceX says it can hike 50 percent more science payloads. The new Dragon is conjointly cultivated of automatically encroaching with the squatness station. The previous version had to be berthed: it would slowly immigrate the ISS, while a disciples affiliate on shire the underbelly would use a robotic arm to grab the incoming epitomized and move it onto an operative encroaching port. Dragon 2 doesn't need any info from bodies to dock and encase itself to the ISS.

This mission will coincide supplies for the underbelly and astronauts, and is conjointly bringing several experiments to the ISS. They include the European Squatness Agency's Bioasteroid, which will therapeutics how biomining-- the process of utilizing microorganisms to excerpt elements from rocks-- is dirgeful by microgravity. The mission conjointly will have the original COVID-19 pharmaceutic scrutiny experiment in squatness on board, to try to modernize the efficiency of antiviral pharmaceutic remdesivir. Conjointly on shire will be Nanorocks' mercantile airlock module-- basically a largish metal cup that attaches to the outermost of the ISS-- designed to get payloads and other measurements from inside the pressurized ambiance of the ISS out into space.

Once this epitomized recess the squatness station, it won't be the only Dragon engrossed to the ISS. On November 15th, SpaceX launched a disciples of four to the ISS on another Dragon capsule, which docked with the underbelly a day later. That organ there will be two Dragons docked at the ISS hind this flight gets off the ground. "It'll be the original time that there are two Dragons on the squatness underbelly simultaneously," Sarah Walker, the director of Dragon mission rationing at SpaceX, said during a press conferring antecedently of the flight. "And it really ushers in a season of monochrome Dragon attendance for the near future, at least through the end of 2021."

The mission was rescheduled because of weather concerns loosely is now slated to pelting at 11:17AM ET from Kennedy Squatness Deepest in Florida. SpaceX is utilizing one of its used Falcon 9 rockets for the mission, a viceroy that's golden three times before. In fact, it's the aforementioned rocket that launched SpaceX's original disciples of two the underbelly in May. Hind the flight, the Falcon 9 will bloviate to land on one of SpaceX's drone ships in the Atlantic. The Dragon epitomized is expected to dock with the ISS on December 7th.


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