Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

CD Projekt Red (CDPR) has issued yet arriver statement apropos the ongoing Cyberpunk 2077 debacle, this time clarifying its vein on retail refunds for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game that have been riddled with bugs and personation issues since pelting last week. The developer now says it will honor every refund request it receives between now and December 21st out of its own pocket.

"We've just started reaching out to bodies who beatific us a bulletin with a confirmation of receipt. We skyrocket these emails out in waves, so don't worry if you don't shoulder an antiphon immediately," CDPR writes in its new statement, issued via the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter record on Friday afternoon. "At the same time, we'd like you to perceive that our ambition is for every owner of a physical copy, or a fiberboard yardstick bought at retail, who has valid proof of purchase (and sends us an email at within the time window) to shoulder a refund. We will do this out of our own pocket if necessary."

CDPR says fiberboard buyers should pursue refunds from Microsoft and Sony, as both companies have now established formal refund programs for the game. Champion Buy is additionally now taking refunds for Cyberpunk 2077 through Monday of next week.

This latest denotation from CDPR follows the intermutual discomfiting the studio derivate eldest in the week when it advised objecting buyers to pursue refunds through Microsoft, Sony, and retail stores. CDPR at the time additionally said it would besmirch refund requests itself, however it did not profess until hind it issued that lemma tale that it had not established any kind of formal refund program with any of its partners.

What followed were revelations that while Microsoft would infallibly honor preferential requests for fiberboard Xbox versions of the game, Sony would not for PlayStation buyers due to its increasingly unfriendly refund policy. Sony ultimately pulled the game from its fiberboard storefront on Thursday evening in an wayward move, bidding Microsoft to expand its explicit refund policy specifically for buyers of Cyberpunk 2077, though the game can still be bought digitally for Xbox devices.


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