Thursday, December 17, 2020

Twitter is now testing its Clubhouse-like voice chat rooms

Twitter is now testing its Clubhouse-like voice chat rooms

Twitter has crue testing its Spaces feature, the voice-based cluck rooms it headmost announced last month. In the thread announcing the test, the congregation said a very small incorporating of users would be hardened the affranchisement to create Spaces, however that in tideway anyone could join them -- though who would be arrived into any hardened vastness depends on the user who created it.

Twitter outlined last month how the headmost people to be hardened albeit to Spaces would be women and people from supplemental marginalized communities, groups who are more likely than others to be subjected to exaction and harassment when aggravating to engage in conversations in regular, comment-based discussions on the platform.

Moderation seems to be a big focus of Spaces. Creators can inhabitance who can or cannot allege in the Space, and there are reporting and blocking features included in the headmost version.

.. . . . .. Screenshot of the Spaces interface for a listener. . .. . . .
The Spaces interface for a listener.
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Other features that are concreteness utilized include emoji reactions, concreteness actualized to allotment tweets in a Space, and a "very early version" of live voice transcription.

.. . . . .. A screenshot of the refutation feature in a Space. . .. . . .
Users in a vastness can reaffirm with unavoidable emojis, which will show over their contour picture.
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At the moment, it seems like joining a Vastness only works from the Twitter moldable app -- aggravating to join from the web nonparticipating takes you to a "page not found" error. Uncustomarily enough, joining one requires having Periscope interrelationship enabled. That's the live-streaming signification that Twitter just announced it was shutting down, therefore it remains to be seen how Twitter plans to handle the technological backend of its voice chats already Periscope does disappear.


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